It's been awhile since I've gotten a chance to actually do an update on this thing. In many aspects of my life, I am always playing catch-up. Most often than not, it comes from the fact that I let myself get behind for the challenge of the mad dash. Other times, it is my own self-destructiveness. Needless to say, here is the skivvy of my time as previous...
Work is much crazy, going national at the beginning of January. I've been brought into the inner circle of the management staff and needing to focus on the finanacials, along with my brother,
wanderingoutlaw. And while I know a lot of you aren't in the fiscal moment to be able to make purchases and the like, it gives you no reason to not look at what I do. I'm at the Gem and Jewelry Network, a tv studio that auctions jewelry off across the country. We broadcast from 1 - 5 am every night (which always eats at my time) thru Comcast Cable and on our website: We are always looking for new staff. If you're in the Orlando area (or are moving down/up here), contact me and we'll see what we can do. This is a company that one gets in the long haul for and those who get in at the bottom in the beginning (like we are) will rise to the top eventually. Also, for those of the independently wealthy variety, we're going to be looking for investors as well.
I've picked up a wonderful addition to my life,
ulariyus. Now, if I could get her just to be a little logistically closer more often, that would be awesome. *impish mixed with sheepish grin*
It hasn't been all work for me lately either. I just got back from almost a week in New Orleans, attending a Camarilla event (SCaRE) and visiting friends who live out there. I made quite a few new friends and connections while I was out there, got to revisit some very wonderful memories and create new ones. The US Garou Venue was finally ended and it was a honor to able to game and RP with some amazing individuals for that one last hurrah. The event also brought the end to my longest running LARP PC: Silver Forger. He was my first character when I joined the Cam back in September 2000. I had to kick and rend to get the plot I and a few others had been spearheading done but, in the end, we were able to do what we set out to do. And for the first time, the plan the Theurges, lead by Forger, was carried out to the letter, worked out completely as planned... except for the part where Forger had to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the Nation. It was a good death, on his feet, fighting the Machine, saving the Science Incarna and proving to the Nation that he was actually right after being thought wrong for a couple of years. I'm going to miss him... As a number of you out there in TV land know, being gamers yourselves, when one has a character for so long (4.5 years), the sheet of paper grows into something more unique and special. The loss is still quite profound to me.
But, that change in the process of my imagination has wrought changes upon myself as well. I have hidden from the adult world for a long time. And Game, while having its purpose and enjoyment, has been one of my escape mechanisms. Such a thing isn't out of the ordinary for those who game but... I feel the Banality creeping in, the weight of the world upon my shoulders. And I can't hide anymore. I'm not ready to put away childish things yet, I doubt that I every will be but, I've got to push forward more than ever now. It has always been pointed out to me that I've got a fear of change and growing up. Louis the Child, as my parents cite... I won't give up that core, I won't grow cold with the rest of the world. I will continue to see wonder wherever it lies and the glow of creativity and cogniscience in whomever it resides. But, I have to focus upon the adult aspects of my life to. My chronological age matters not in this, it is just something that comes with the perks of freedom. Everything has a cost... it is only a matter of how much one is willing to pay to get what they want. I suggest haggling.
Now, I'm done with this moment of frankness. I can feel the burn beginning already from the momentary exposure.