May 16, 2007 16:14
Holy Christ on a cracker! I almost forgot that my birthday is this Friday! I'll be turning twenty years old. Can you believe it? Only two days for me to get things ready. Ngh! Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god!
Um, you guys! How about a party on Oban, how's that sound? I can pick everyone up, no trouble. I'll be bringing my mom, of course, and Queen Nori and Canaan can come along too. After all, I promised I'd let Aikka's mom come to get a little R&R. Of course, Rick, Stan, and Koji are invited, too. I'll brew up some more Wilde Mule Kicker, and we can have another drinking contest (though this is much stronger than Tequila) so I expect all of you will pass out much faster this time around LOL
So, how's that sound? RSVP here, okay?
good days,