I have tried everything to reason with these pathetic creatures. The refuse the hand that tries to save them from drowning. Then so be it! Let them drown, and all the better for it. I am simply speeding up their imminent destruction.
That makes them of no value, that stubbornness. What is the point of letting them live when they spend their lives in a Hell of their own creation? I am doing them a favor, rendering unto them sweet mercy, by obliterating them. I shall free them from their sorrow, their pain, their torment.
Just by chance, have you ever seen the Matrix? Good movie that, you should really get round to seeing it sometime... anyway, the point is, it's human nature to want to something to fight toward, to fight against. Take that away, and what do they have? Leave them to it themselves and just look at what they can do! There's something to be said for that stubbornness in a crisis. Trust me, I know.
Even if that is the case... that's not the solution.
((OOC: Way to make Ten draw parallels, CanCan!))
((OOC: And this is totally out of my head canon, too! And explains CanCan's creepy obsession with Eva. The parallels with Jordan are there, too.))
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