So the helping out another store thing went well, though the sunday trip was cancled, I got to go back yesterday and do fun thing like hang scrims (window hangings), put posters in frames (really BIG frames) climb ladders, eat doughnuts and stuff. And on Saturday I got to impress a bunch of girls with my use of power tools ^_^ hahaha, I decided to hang a cleaning supplies organizer thingy for them and borrowed the contracters stud finder, level and drill and they were all O.O 'wow, you're miss fix-it!!!!!!' and I felt useful... it was nice to just focus on what I am good at and get things done and not have to worry about the other stuff. It was really neat, the place was full of people who didn't really know each other, but we all knew what needed to be done and it did! So hopefully the new store opened without any problems today, I'll find out once I go to work tonight~
My truck is broke D: well, almost broke, but it's being fixed so that's good, but now I'm driving one of my dad's work vans and it's interesting-- one part of fme is like 'this is awkward' and the other part of me thinks it hilarious when someone looks at me all 'WTF why is that girl driving that huge truck" hehehee, I like confusing people ^_^
got my hair cut today, nice and short, very happy, it was getting uggggggggly.
hmmm, busy weekend? going to yoga tomorrow eveing witha one friend, then out to a pub with another for an alumni event for her (she's big on alumni stuff, omg), then Sunday is a baptism for my Uncle's grandson with a little get together after and dinner with the work girls.
My dad and his girlfriend are going camping and it's supposed to be COOOOLD
tomorrow I need to fold laundry - 3 baskets are in my room, omg, I'm a lazy ass - and other stuffs, like find a better job stuffs because it's gonna be $800-900 to fix my truck and my dad's all D8