
Jun 07, 2010 14:41


So I was pretty angsty last time... sorry 'bout that. (and thanks for the well wishes)

I'll skip the work drama and get straight tothe point: unless things change for the better, I won't be working there come the fall. I'll have an almost full time job looking after my Dude's little bro (I still need to come up with a nick-name for him!) and my Dude and have no desire to work 7 days a week like I'll be doing this summer, (5 days of camp, 2 days of mall job, don't even get me started on this!) so, yeah. It's been fun, catch ya on the flip side. *waves* bye-bye-bye

I beat the E4 and Lance! *happy dance* I've done all the side quests around Kanto that I can do and have moved onto the Gyms. Ok, so I've only beaten Brock, but it's a start! hehehe, I'm having too much fun bumming around the Pokemon world, trouncing trainers and taking names like the Champion I am   ^_^   (wouldn't it be cool if there was a game that had you start off as the champ and all you do is run around doing cool champion things?? That would be awesome)

Every kid should have a swing set. (yeah I know, that statement totally came from nowhere) We had a swing set when I was a kid and I'm stumpped by how many kids don't have one! and then the kids that do (my cousins) never use them! God, I LIVED outside as a kid and now, pffft, god forbid you tear a kid away from their video games! My dude HATES it when I do that, but tough luck Dude, if it's sunny, we're going outside! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Ok, time to hit the bank and head off to meet up with the Dude.

random, pokemon

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