yes, tupperware

Jul 19, 2005 17:21

all this new tupperware baffles me... i say tupperware but it may be a new gladlock container. either way the new commercial features a small child going ape shit with his father's salsa in their flawless white living room without a single spill. now why exactly do we need twist and lock gladware? cocaine, perhaps?...keeps atomic energy fresh? but at least if i ever want to play a pick up game of baseball and i don't have a ball i could beat around some leftovers in an overly priced container that works just as well as the shit that came out in 1983...only now its new and improved...homerun with the broccoli! when i have kids i won't have to buy expensive toys...forget stuffed animals and putting the square in the square hole. these kids are going to play their little hearts out with leftovers...i can just change the contents weekly so they don't feel as if they're getting shafted.

thanks glad.
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