Apr 19, 2005 17:57
I was laying sprawled out, in the middle of the mall on a blanket, with pedro. The weather was perfect so we were just laying there allowing ourselves to be baked through by the sun. Looking around in silence, inspecting all who sat around me, i began to listen to the conversation going on behind me. I couldn't understand a damned word of it because it was in French. However it reminded me of my father and germany. It must first be known that my dad is fearless, he knows three phrases in spanish (one involves beer and the other two involve meatbals and a library) which he uses whenever the topic of foreign languages is brought up and i'm pretty postive that the german he knew was probably slightly more than the spanish...but not by much. This didn't stop him. He wanted to meet people and know about everything and most importantly he wanted me to experience them as well. We would go hiking in the mountains and talk to all kinds of people. I had no idea what they were saying but that really didn't matter. I don't even know if he knew what they were saying, but because he was so comfortable with himself others were able to be comfortable talking to him and they could have long conversations about beer, meatballs, the library, and who really knows what else. I didn't really realize this until I looked back on it today and I really should have thanked the french men behind me.