Living Consciously - Without Coffee???

Jan 17, 2008 10:06

So, I was reading
jms3382001's post about living consciously, and was inspired.  I've been feeling in a rut for years, and part of my rut is believing that I don't know WHAT I want to do.  After reading the article Jeff posted, I do question whether I *really* don't know, or if I *do* know, but I'm afraid to to *do* it, so I subconciously convince my self that I "don't know."  I'm planning on thinking about this some more, but in the past few days, when I have moments of quiet in the car or walking to a meeting across campus, I ask myself, "No, really, what would you do if you weren't afraid?"

As at least a few of you know, I have a not-quite-real/not-quite-pseudo dream of opening up a coffee shop one day.  There are a lot of fears around this, but I think the one that freezes me the most (maybe) is, "What if I find out I really *don't* want to do it?"

One of my New Year's resolutions this year is to work to figure out what I want the next step in my life to be.  Do I want to continue down the path that I'm on, or switch to something else?  If switch, to what?  I realize that we're only two weeks into the year, but I know myself, and I know we'll soon be two months, seven months (and my 30th birthday), then two weeks from the end of the year, and I'll be like, "Darn!  I didn't get to that figuring-my-life-out business."  And I understand that it's not realistic or even desired to plan my whole life out.  I'm a big proponent of riding the waves of life where they take you, rolling with the punches, whatever - I just feel like I've been bobbing along for awhile and trying to convince myself that I was "going with the flow," but I'm really just staying in one place, and I'd like to at least take control of my boat.  Was that an overused metaphor, or what?

But anyway, I know I have an issue with putting things off, and I was thinking about how I was ever able to be successful thus far in life.  I was thinking about school, and what a good little student I was, and I had a brainstorm - what if I created a syllabus for myself for the year?  It would be like, "Tracie's Self-Discovery 101" with assignments and deadlines and everything - and I could tie rewards or consequences to completing/not completing.  I might take some time to work on that over the weekend.

Anyway, when I started this post, I meant it to be a little funny and ironic, but then all that other stuff kind of just came out - so, what I was starting to say was that, after reading the Steve Palina article Jeff posted, I started thinking about the possiblity of this coffee shop, and was curious about Mr. Palina, so I visited his website, which seems to have good exercises and resources, and I plan to look into it more closely later.  However, before I browsed away from the page, this article caught my eye:


Well, shoot.  Maybe Mr. Palina won't be able to help me so much, after all.  ;-)
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