Nov 01, 2007 12:39
So, we're here in California, and I thought all sorts of clever things to write earlier, but now they've flown out of my mind. We're on Day 2, and things are going well. Both days dawned foggy and overcast, but have cleared up beautifully.
I did want to mention that this my first time out on the West Coast. It's interesting, before we came out here, I was seriously thinking of California as being like another country where they speak English; like, visiting California was similar to visiting England or Ireland or something, but without the accents. Based on the things you read and see on TV, it seems so different from the Mid-Atlantic. I guess it's not as different as I'd envisioned, so far. More to come as more observations are made.
We visited something like five wineries yesterday, and ended up in Sonoma in the evening for some wandering and dinner. We ate at the Swiss Hotel, which was fantastic! Butternut squash ravioli, yum!
More to come and some photos later....