Sep 03, 2005 22:23
so i've officially made it through my first full week of school. and it went well, as i've continually been saying i think. no breakdowns yet, which is surprising for me. i thought i'd be more homesick, but i think realizing that no one’s at home has helped me get over that. and it's nice to hear that all my friends are enjoying their schools, i just hope i don't lose contact with them all, cuz then i think i'd really breakdown.
went to a street dance tonight. and if you ask me what it is, it's pretty self explanatory: a dance in the street. anyways, it was pretty fun. met up with some boys from our brother hall, and the boys that were in our dorm last night. interesting. and i've met some more girls on our floor; it's crazy i didn't realize how many there are, and how many go home for the weekend. i kinda forgot that not everyone lives as far away as i do.
i'm very excited that tomorrow's sunday. i haven't been to a church around here yet, and i found one with transportation to it! the only way i will be returning to it though is if it has a soundboard, and maybe a need for another soundperson. it's been too long since i've sat at one. i'm such a dork.
i'm kinda excited about my major (which is surprising to me cuz i still want to be an asl interpreter) but anyways, i'm enjoying my comp. programming class and i've been looking at the classes i will be taking in the coming semesters and they look good also. i've also been down to the computer help desk (probably a few too many times) but i found out that i can apply to work there in january, and being a girl and a comp major i should be able to get a job, plus they say i don't need to know too much to start.
yay for no classes monday!