sam carter/rodney mckay mood theme.

Dec 18, 2006 20:57

Finally, it's done. This took me ages to complete, mostly because I was working within a set limit. The mood theme only contains caps from 48 Hours, Redemption 1 & 2, Moebius 1 & 2, Grace Under Pressure, and McKay and Mrs Miller.

Sam Carter/Rodney McKay Mood Theme

106 moods, 90x45, png - preview the mood theme here
Download: Zip file, 1.2mb

1. Download the zip file.

2. Unzip the file, and upload the pictures to your own server.

3. Open the text file labeled 'mckaycarter' and paste it into Word or a text editor that allows find/replace. Replace '' with your URL.

4. Go to the Admin Console. Enter: moodtheme_create "sam carter/rodney mckay" "mood theme by glowinglogos". Click execute. You should get a 'success!' message and a five digit mood ID number.

5. Go back to the text file. Now do a find/replace for #####, and replace it with the mood ID number that the Admin Console gave you. Copy the whole text file and paste it in the Admin Console box. If you did everything correctly, you should see a listing of the moods with 'Data Inserted'.

6. Go to the Mood Theme Editor area, where Sam Carter/Rodney McKay should now appear on the list of mood themes. Select use, and the mood theme should show up on your LJ the next time you refresh it. :)

Please comment if you plan on using this mood theme. Thanks. :D

tv: stargate sg-1, tv: stargate atlantis, - mood theme

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