Oct 22, 2007 14:43
1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... was more because he wanted it than because I did.
2. I am listening to... Madman's Dream - Assemblage 23
3. I talk... a little or a lot, depending on the situation & who I'm talking to.
4. I love... my family, friends, & my puppies.
5. My friends... are awesome people who stick with me through everything--and usually don't mind my random thoughts (stealing your answer Rachel, tis a good one).
6. My first real kiss... felt kinda anticlimactic, for lack of a better word.
7. The number seven is missing because... maybe the person who wrote this didn't like the number?
8. Love... is very sacred and needs to be treated as such. Not many people feel it (again, stealing Rachel's answer).
9. Marriage is... not something I really spend a lot of time thinking about at this point.
10. Somewhere, someone is thinking...
11. I'll always... try my best to use what I've been given to help people.
12. I have a secret crush... on no one really, cause I told the guy I like I was attracted to him.
13. The last time I cried was because... I was worried about my Grandma having her surgery.
14. My cell phone... just got new ringtones - Dragostea din Tei (aka Numa Numa) & Let the Wind Erase Me.
15. When I wake up in the morning... I usually hit snooze at least once.
16. Before I go to bed I... usually think about things I want to happen.
17. Right now I am thinking about... my frustration with the College of Pharmacy for making it so damn hard for anyone not in the dual law or MBA degree to take a freaking elective.
18. Babies are... cute from a distance, but I'm not too great with kids.
19. I get on LJ... to find out what's going on in my friends lives, and post random shit.
20. Today I... registered for classes, & managed to get out of most of my classes early - hence the reason for this post. I should've been in class till 315.
21. Tonight I will... probably watch more peacemaker, maybe get on WoW, maybe work on PDA homework, then sleep.
22. Tomorrow I will be... at Iowa Lutheran learning how to compound sterile IVs, & other such things in a cleanroom.
23. I really want... something to good to happen, but I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.
24. I tag... anyone that wants to do it?