so it's been a while since i've updated. so here i go:
on friday after school we went to go look at these new condo's we might be moving into. they're really nice. then after that i went home and got ready for my team party. After i was done i went to the highschool to meet bassett who was working on the dvd for the coaches with brittany kroeyr. then after that bassett and i went to her house and put the finishing touches on kroeyr's birthday present. then lindsay came and picked us up for the team party. the party was the most fun i've had in a long time. we singed yearbooks, took tons of pictures, ate birthday cake, did our hair, and just plain out had fun. coach made these little booklets of memories and this letter from her, it was so sweet. everyone was crying. it was so cute. we watched the dvd kroeyr made for the coaches- it was so funny. time flew by that night, and sooner or later we started playing euchre, watched some tv then fell asleep. you know.. around like 2:30. haha. then we woke up in the morning to random people on the team being super loud, that's one thing i can't stand... being woken up. i say.. if i'm sleeping, let me sleep. haha no i'm kidding. so then we had consessions for varsity districts to do pretty much all day. i left around 3ish and went home.
it was my brother's 20th birthday. and his 6 week anniversary of his car accident- kind of wierd how that works out ay? so then after i took a shower and such- i headed over to laura's. oddly enough elizabeth and i arrived at the same time. we listened to some hella good music, made smoothies and fruit salad, ordered pizza way too specifically- and therefore it was way expensive. haha- compliments of alisia malta- the idiot. :) a proud one though. so then we went downstairs and did some pilates. what a rush. it never gets old. hahaha. then stephen and kristy arrived with a dirty book- and well, it was a day by day thing. and mine was THE YOGA INSTRUCTOR. hahahahahhaha. too funny. especially since i instruct our group of pilates (a cousin of yoga). anyways. then stephanie and jaclyn came over. we danced on stephanies car and played outside. then we all headed to emily muns's house. what a kid. we watched pistons and such. then we left and laura and i watched some garden state... but i fell asleep. from only like 5 hours of sleep the night before- not because it was boring. haha. anyways.. so then i got picked up to go to church the next morning.. it was the best message. about mercy. and the choir sung 'lord have mercy, christ have mercy, lord have mercy on me' it was so beautiful. i loved it. so then after church my mom, my brother and i went shopping. and it was well needed. i haven't been on like a REAL shopping spree since like the begining of the year. yeah.. that's like deprivation for a girl who loves to shop haha. i've just been too busy. but now summer is coming up and guess what.. NO BASKETBALL. that means---- TONS OF FREE TIME. so i can actually have a social life this summer. YES! no i will miss basketball, but this summer will be much better than any of the others. i know this for a fact. today michele was talking about going to the coldplay concert- rilo kiley is opening for them. how cool would that be? and it's right by my birthday. that would be way fun. well after school today marissa came over and we burned this cd for her friend who is going away to college. it's really cute. and she taught me how to play the begining of 'yellow' on the guitar. i love coldplay:) well that's my exciting weekend. like what.. 7 days of school left? HELL YES
i'm in desperate need of a job, if you know anywhere that is hiring right now, and would take a 16 year old- one month... let me know :) thanks kids.