(no subject)

May 29, 2010 14:10

It's bad that I've been this emo lately.

I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything - with work, at home, online. Nothing seems to really make me happy right now. In fact, it seems like everything I'm doing is just making me more depressed. More depressed means less sleep, and less sleep means crankiness. Wow. It really is the path to the dark side. wtf self. If I start going on about killing my pregnant wife, or killing younglings, PLEASE STOP ME.

Annie hu. I feel like there isn't enough time for me to do anything. With work, it's just... blah. And con's like... 5 days away, and I still need to finish things. The car's registration needs to be renewed, and that's gonna happen Tuesday. It's the only time, since they won't be open on Memorial Day, I don't think. If they are, then it's happening Monday. Need to pay rent too. Blah.

I need to go listen to Linkin Park and get this shit out of my system. Or kill off some of my rp characters. Either way, I'll do something.
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