~forty-three~ [PODFIELD]

Oct 25, 2011 16:17

A [Action]:

[Ema Skye is not usually a happy person. The fact that she seems to be one today should be a clue that something is amiss. When weird things happen in Mayfield, Ema usually goes into a foul mood and either sulks or mobilizes to take action.

Today, she's doing neither. She's simply sitting in the park, munching on some treats she bought at the grocery store and watching people go by. If any of them are paying attention, she's making catty comments to herself as she takes notes on what she sees. Science at its finest.]

B [Action 2: Electric Boogaloo, Locked to puzzlerprince]:

[The real Ema Skye is in a pod just outside of the hospital. Someone was body-snatched on her way to work this morning.]

C [More Action!]:

[Post-rescue (and post-rescuing other people), Ema's just wandering around town trying to take all of the details in. Not knowing what else to do with herself, she's decided to fall back on familiar habits--i.e., investigation. She has her notepad in her hands and is furiously scribbling down all of her observations.

Unlike the pod version of her, she's actually taking notes on things that are relevant to the events at hand.]

ic, event, action post

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