A week of bad news

Feb 13, 2009 09:47

Well, this has been a heavy week so far. At the beginning of the week we found out that Cody's aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer. His mom has recovered really well from her bout with it, but it takes such a toll on a family and her girls are so young. They've probably caught it early enough, but i'm sure it will still be hard.

Then on Tuesday, one of my best friends was laid off from her job with no warning and no notice, they day they told her was her last day there. Its quite a shock when the economy can all the sudden break a company like that. She's already been through SO MUCH in the past 6 months too. Just makes my heart hurt.

We also found out that the pastors of the journey ministry are going to be losing their job a lot sooner than anticipated. It could be very strange to try to finish that ministry out of that building once they are no longer working for the church.

Then Wed night, Cody had a late (11pm) soccer game and injured his arm. I barely even knew about it by the time i headed out to work on Thurs, and Cody spent the day icing it ever hour or so, but the pain never got any better. So today we are taking him to the doctor, and probably getting a referral for an Xray.

This morning, I had my 24 week prenatal appt. They wanted to do another ultrasound this time because they didn't get the best pictures of the face, feet & heart last time. But this time was even worse, she was facing toward my back and the tech said that my amniotic fluid looked low which also keeps the ultrasound from getting good pictures. The doctor wasn't toooo concerned about it, but they are going to have me come back in 2 weeks to check the fluid levels again to make sure its not going down. I may be just not drinking enough water. The other concern the doctor had was about my blood pressure. Its pretty close to normal if you ask me, but i guess that's high for a pregnant person. So I may need to go in more often to monitor that. Anyway, all of that is probably fine. Its just not helping on top of the weight of everything else.
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