Aug 29, 2008 14:19
I'm feeling very stirred up by the political events of the past week. Mostly because I am finding my self drawn to Obama as a great choice for president.
At first, I was drawn to him because of his race. I think it is an amazing and historic achievement that a half black man can get this far in politics. I was drawn to the idea of voting for a democrat no matter what this fall since it was either he shattering the glass ceiling of race, or she shattering the ceiling of gender.
Second, he makes great speeches that inspire people to come together. I like his large venues reaching lots of people getting them inspired to be involved and have hope. It is so much better than shutting people down with fear or only catering to the powerful few. The seemingly-powerless many can be so much stronger. I'm starting to believe that an inspirational leader, regardless of whether he leans slightly left or slightly right, might be exactly what this country needs. Cynicism and fear are not a way to make progress. Hope, inspiration and cooperation can change the way we view our country and how our country is viewed. I don't have a problem with huge rallies because they get everyone involved, energized and ready to believe in making a difference. I hear people calling it false worship. It probably is, but I'd rather that it occur in politics than in mega churches. I think his tour of Europe was amazing. Seeing him bringing leaders and citizens of the world together is such a wonderful change. He gets it that we all need each other. People came to his rally and cheered for USA waving flags! Not burning them or our leader figures in effigy. He brings out the best in people.
Third, he strikes me as wise, sincere and full of integrity. I've seen some of his responses to questions where he shows respect, honors people and on the spot can respond with wisdom. I think he really gets it. I watch him interact with people, listen, respond, care. I don't feel slimed. My slime-o-meter is very important to me. Some times I wonder if that slime feeling is my spirit reacting to the lack of the spirit of God emanating from someone. It was what kept me from liking Bill Clinton. Sometimes I still feel that way about Hilary. But Barak and Michelle do not give me that feeling, which is a first for me with democrats really. I think they really do know Jesus. I cheered Bush on against Gore and was glad that he was in command during 9-11. Course, then he changed, quite a bit. I still voted for him against Kerry who I perceived as a bit of a flake and my slime-o-meter was registering. Now I am saddened at the attitude of this country's citizens. We are consumed with cynicism and fear, and it is paralyzing us. I think we are uniquely ready for the positive change that Obama can bring to us all which will change the way we are viewed abroad. I'm not sure if he can do all the things that he idealistically would like to do, but maybe his approach has a much greater chance. I hope he can go line by line through the budget and clear out things that don't work, get congress to work together and get smart funding for smart programs.
Fourth, I'm starting to get a better grasp on what issues are important to me. I claim to be a “moderate”. My biggest problems with holding a firm opinion one way or another is that so many of these issues cannot be solved with laws. I don't think God intended for homosexuality and I think he hates abortion, but these are matters of the heart, not law. I think God loves everyone and that everyone deserves equal rights. I can't deal with these issues as black and white because making gay marriage and abortion illegal makes it very hard to get to the hearts of those in those situations. We as a nation need to be working to prevent unwanted pregnancies and help youth to love and respect their bodies and each other and stop the promiscuity. Other issues that I used to take more of a right wing stance toward are changing as I look outward. I grew up in a good upper middle class family that was smart about money/careers, so things like health care, social security and poverty were not things I had to care about. But as I've started seeing what even routine doctor/ER bills look like and dealing with a misunderstood chronic migraine affliction that my husband struggles with, I've realized just how broken the health care system is in general. I have no idea how to fix it, but something has got to be done to stop this from spiraling out of control and ruining people's lives. The poor do not have an advocate. I used to think that it should be all up to the church to make that difference, but I wonder if the government can actually help too. Again, we need smart programs that enable people to do good. It requires wisdom and love. I agree with taxing the rich a lot to help out the rest of the nation. I see both sides to that, but I think it is the wiser way to get things done for the common good. I used to think the environment, economy and privatized social security could take care of themselves in the free market. Now I think the government can help give incentives to those making money off destroying the environment or shipping jobs over seas to change their market approach and find alternatives. The war on false pretenses is false and we cannot get people to love each other and work together by pointing guns at them. I am glad the dictatorship is over but now we need to help them help themselves and stop provoking hate. So, a lot of these subjects seem to mesh with his platform, but most importantly, I think he has the love and wisdom to see positive differences made in so many of these issues.
Fifth, I really like Michelle. I think she is very smart and strong as well and will be good for this country. Many people question her patriotism, but I think she strikes a chord with people who are seriously lacking patriotism and can show them how she got past that to stop idle grumbling and start making a difference. They have a beautiful, God loving family and it sets a great example for this country.
I look forward to watching the RNC next week. I am very interested in McCain's choice for Vice President. Not at all what I expected and this person seems like a genuine person, unscathed by the horrors of politics. Plus, she's a historic choice as a woman. It is very encouraging to see her up there, but I cringe at the way the media and opponents may try to tear her apart. The Vice President issue is one very difficult thing about this election because of how important they may be. McCain is old and seriously might not make it through his whole term. Barak has the problem of white supremacists who may try to take him out, as much as I would love to believe this country is no longer capable of that kind of thing. I don't know much about Biden, but it sounds like he has done some great things for woman's rights and I respect that. He also brings a wealth of experience without much corruption. We'll see.