Apr 27, 2006 17:57
Who was your first:
Hm...Oh jeez, I think it was Daniel when I was 6 or so.
2. Kiss? Craig :)
3. Love? Craig :)
4. Heartbreak? N/A
5. Friend? Nicole in Kindergarden.
6. Best Friend? Amanda
7. Enemy? I don't recall ever really having an enemy.
What was your first:
8. Job? Round Table Pizza, whoo boy. I'd babysitted a few times before that, but they don't really count.
9. School? Peidmont Avenue
What's your favorite:
10. Color? Green
11. Author? Robin Hobb
12. Book? I have no idea. Many.
13. Director? I don't have one, really.
14. Movie? V for Vendetta at the moment.
15. T.V. Show? X-Files
16. Person? Lots of people.
17. Age? 17
18. Birthdate? August 4, 1988
19. Wanna be older/younger? Older
20. Height? 5'11"
21. Wish you were taller/ shorter? Shorter. I'm a giant.
22. Eye Color? Green/grey/blue/who knows
23. Like it? Yeah.
24. Hair color? Red
25. Wanna change it? I'd like it SUPER red.
26. Happy with your phisyque? No.
27. Peircings? 3 in each ear. So 6.
28. More? I want my bellybutton peirced.
29. Left or right handed? Both? Right
30. Gender? Female
31. Gay/Straight/Bisexual? Straight
32. Kinky? Not really.
33. Have any sexualy transmitted diseases? No.
34. Does your mama know that *snap, snap* ?! Sure.
35. Do you live with your mama? Yes.
36. Anyone else other than family? A new roommate's moving in tomorrow.
37. Nationality? Everything white that doesn't tan.
38. Speak a foreign language? French and German.
Flaws and Virtues
39. What do you like most about yourself?. What do you hate? I like my eyes, I hate my bad back.
40. What pisses you off? Not being in control.
41. Do you love yourself? Not really.
42. Do you hate yourself? Not really.
43. Got a secret crush? Hey Craig, I have a crush on you.
44. Got a secret? Yes, though it's not as much of a secret anymore.
45. What is the one thing you would change about yourself? I'd like to be happy.
46. Got any hobbies? Reading, wasting time on the computer, watching TV, working out.
47. Bad Habits? Messy.
48. Got any talents? I'm an artist, and I'm not half bad.
49. Whats your biggest fear? Being alone.
50. Do drugs? Never.
51. Drink? Haven't had a drink since New Years, haven't been tipsy since November.
52. Thrown up from drinking? No.
53. Been depressed? Yes.
54. How do you release emotion? Controlling what I can.
55. Have you ever been self destructive? Yes.
56. Run away? Not seriously. I've pouted in my neighborhood before when I was like 6, haha.
57. Been complimented? Yep.
58. Have you ever broken the law? Little ones.
59. Have you ever snuck out to break the law? Nope.
60. Gone to a wild dance party? No, unfortunately. Craig and I busted out some mad dance moves in his kitchen last summer though. Good times.
61. What happened that made it wild? Craig's robotic movez.
62. Have you ever seen anyone naked (other than yourself)? Yes.
63. Do you beleive in hygene? I love showers.
64. Mass hygene? Huh?
65. Do you have any obsessions? X-Files, drawing, healthy food.
66. Whats your favorite music? A little bit of everything. Currently rock and electronica.
67. C.D.'s, MP3's or Records? Mp3s.
69. What is your soothing music? Classical
70. Happy music? Electronica.
71. Angry music? I don't like angry music.
72. Artistic music? Music is a form of art.
73. "What the fuck" music? I don't know.
74. Been called a hoe bag? No.
75. Used appearence enhancing tools to catch a mate? Not really.
76. Had it work? I caught him with my wonderful personality, thank you. And my legs.
77. What is romance? Loving someone despite their flaws.
NEW ANSWER: Spending the night in the arms of the person you love. Until you get tired and roll over to be with yourself. I love me.