Aug 16, 2007 19:34
well not dead.... just on vacation. my supervisor started his vacation today!!! I wish him all the best and am looking forward to the consequent peace in the valley untill his return. My schedual is fixed and I think things are going to turn out ok. He has semi given up harassing me on that subject and I think there might even be a peaceful co existance ahead. I think he has finally accepted that he can't power trip on me which is good.
Last night he wanted this girl next to me to go in for coaching... he snaped his fingers, whistled, and called out to the girl next to me from half way across the floor the same way you would call a dog. When I saw him do that it made me all the more happy that I stomped out his rude power tripping habbits over me before they got out of hand... even if it ment what he called "flat out insubordination" by not following my fubar schedual. the way I saw it the worst he could have done is fire me and I could care less if he did because I'd rather be fired for sticking up for myself than be walked on.