Nov 19, 2007 10:29
Yup thats right, its that time of the year again
Claire is questioning herself
Is this what she really wants to do?
Will she ever be happy?
Should she try for something a bit closer
A vet tech could be good
But then would she feel like a failure?
6 years of *really* hard work
I can hardly get through a semester
Not doing so well
But only 2 weeks left
Only 2 weeks to do about 8 assignments
So much to do
And so much to do *well*
It has to be *well*
Very well
I miss art, thats something I cant get rid of
That want to create
Havent done anything like that in months
Just things I have no passion for
Dissections are fun
And I love working at the clinic
But I dont know if I want my identity to be a vet
Instead of my identity being Claire
Its like the whole doctor thing
It is who you are, what you become
And I dont know that that is all I want to be
I like having time to be creative and have some options open
But then maybe Im just being lazy
Changed my tense
I dont even know if tense is right,
No english major here
Now back to work...I wish I wasnt so bad at that
Or maybe just that there wasnt so much of it to be bad at