It's About Time... ^^;

Mar 29, 2009 23:38

OUT with the OLD. IN with the NEW. Wooot! Wooot! ^^;

First. From PP, now to XX. T'was bound to expire in September and with all the uncertainty fandom life brings, it's just the perfect time to go and get a new one. Online appointment rocks. The manual processing of documents still sucks though. All the time spent waiting in line plus all the paper wasted. DFA could do better. >.<

Second. Just one model up but who cares. A defective disc drive and broken screen hinge previously. Still corrupted hard disk and the numerous blue screens of death coming up for the past 3 and a half years. With all these, t'was already crying for help, ready to retire. If it wasn't for my "skills", it would have taken me another 10 years to get a new one. But yeah. Finally. @_@

Dear PP... Thanks for always being with me. You were there when I made a couple of dreams come true. One down. Two more to go. Let XX make things happen. This year? I sure hope so. ^^

Dear Lappy-Tappy... Thanks for not totally giving up on me. You're incomparable slowness will surely be missed. ^^

Time to shine. Sweeeet~ ♥

rave, reality, work, rant, life

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