Feb 15, 2006 10:12
So I get to class and I am about 4 minutes late. This professor is a weird guy, he has a very prominent tattoo on his arm which kind of weirds me out when it comes to a professor. What this tattoo is however is something I have not been able to ascertain despite my best efforts. Not that I have anything against tattoos, I love tattoos and I love a girl that has a tattoo. There is one tattoo I want in particular. But there is something about a man that is grading you having a tattoo that is disconcerting, I guess. I did not figure being late would be a big deal which I was right it was not. But much to my surprise when I got there the room was silent and everyone was busy writing. SHIT! We are having a quiz and I am willing to bet that I have not read what it is over and I certainly did not go to class on monday so I am pretty fucked. so I look up at the board and see, hey I may know just enough about this to bullshit my way to an acceptable answer. My penchant to turn complete bullshit into a coherent answer to an essay question never fails to astound me. I start writing I cannot find the pen I want and I worry because last time there was a very limited time to get an answer down. It is at this point that I notice the teacher is not there just the pseudo-teacher or to use the vernacular TA (teachers assistant). Then i notice everyone is turning in their quiz when they are done with it and then walking out the door. Class lasted 20 minutes and I missed five of them but I did get my quiz done. Is this a good harbinger of things to come or a bad? It is difficult to say at this point and there is also the possibly that it is not a harbinger at all but simply an event like any other. Perhaps there was no mythical force behind it but simply it was a symptom and circumstance of life that I had no control over and thankfully in the end worked out. The longer I live the more I realize I have very little control over what happens in my life. That is not to say that I am a victim of circumstance but simply that I am only in control of so much and as soon as I accept this fact life will be much easier.
We'll dear readers, I have droned on long enough so I will take my leave for now and go do whatever it is I do when I am not amazingly entertaining and witty.