I'm in Portland visiting my sister! It has been over 90 degrees every day and is a great city to be vegetarian in. I CAN EAT THE WORLD! And we have consumed a looot of tea, pretty much constantly, including an iced oolong I loved called Wizard's Eyebrow.
Speaking of wizards, I just devoured an awesome Harry/Draco fic recommended to me by
mistyzeo -
The Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi. If post-series Auror Harry being assigned to watch out for trying-to-get-by lord of Malfoy Manor Draco (with a side of ghosts!) is your thing, go read it right now!
I'm finding with podfic that I'll follow podficcers into other fandoms I'm only vaguely familiar with. Recently I listened to some 1d fic read by
aethel, including one hilarious one called
Fine By Me (if you never leave).
Anyway, recs!