I've been listening to a good amount of podfic whilst trying to keep a straight face in case coworkers surprise me (like a few days ago when I was on the verge of tears listening to Flying Weight ;_____;) Here are some that I've really enjoyed:
Flying Weight by
fleshflutter & read by
meansprite: Sam wakes after being soulless for three years to discover that Dean and his relationship with him have undergone some serious changes. Through traveling and hunting with Dean, Sam struggles to put his life back together after events he has only limited memory of. A season six wincest AU.
Tissue of Silver by
fearlessdiva & read by
pandarus: "As it / Were tissue of silver / I'll wear, O fate, thy grey, / And go mistily radiant, clad / Like the moon." / -- "Fate Defied" by Adelaide Crapsey
We're still more in love than you think we are by
forallthewords & read by
exmanhater: High school AU. Jared pines, Jensen toes the line, then some other boring junk happens.
Unequivocal Sex Invite by
miss_begonia & read by
dodificus: Clueless!AU.
And it's a whole new ballgame by
kestrelsan & read by ursa1ita: "Don't tell me about the world. Not today. It's springtime and they're knocking baseball around fields where the grass is damp and green in the morning and the kids are trying to hit the curve ball." - Pete Hamill