So I got a full-time job. After all these years of applying to jobs, it should feel a lot more exciting than it does. I think I jumped the excitement step and went straight to stressing about it, because yeah, it's really stressful, I finally get paid juuuust enough to pay my bills and have a little left over every month. I guess that's the dream? I just wish that I didn't have to sacrifice my middle-of-the-afternoon video gaming, but I guess nothing's perfect.
Anyway, this sudden full-time job happened the same week
spnspringfling started, so life has been a mess. A fun mess, but homg, was matching & posting etc intense. AND SPEAKING OF SPRING FLING, I come bearing recs before reveals this weekend!
Here are some that I have adored so far:
Letters from a Half-Finished Boy, Sam/Dean - absolutely perfect pre-series, read it now
The First of Many, Sam/Dean ART - Really awesome, detailed happy art
That's what makes it fun, Dean/Crowley pre-slash - I've really enjoyed recent Dean/Crowley interactions, and this is a cool scene exploring that
Finding a throat to choke, Sam/Ruby - A really lovely scene of despair between s3&4
I am become..., Dean & Death gen ART - great comic that packs an emotional punch
The Junk in Baby’s Trunk, Sam Dean & Charlie gen - a hurty gen piece with fun details
the age of miracles, Sam & Jody gen-so perfectly in-character, it feels like a great missing scene from the show
I hope I'll have time to read/gaze at more tomorrow!!! Seriously this job is taking up all my time, and I am very unimpressed.
Also, see this cool
podfic feedback fest. One of the activities is you send postcards to readers you love. Sounds fun!
Last and final thing - I'm really sad about Zayn leaving 1D. I'm not in 1D fandom, but I really love them and hope they're all ok (as much as I can hope millionaire celebrities are doing ok, I guess).