(no subject)

May 25, 2011 11:18


FROM: The Ghostbusters franchise



THE KNIGHT OF MIRRORS SAYS: When someone asks if you're a god, you're already out of your league by about three orders of magnitude. A man who stands against divine forces of nature is a man standing where martyrs are made, not heroes.

BUT IN LA MANCHA: Oh yeah? Well Abraham says otherwise: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2018:22-33&version=NIV
There was a reason Peter Venkmann called Ray the Heart of the Ghostbusters. Ray knew good and well what they were up against, but he refused to be cowed. In later branches of the franchise, we find out that his quest for order in the super-natural world was a personal one: Ray was one of the childhood victims of the Bogey-Man himself. Telling Ray about the awe-inspiring power of the supernatural world is a wasted effort--he's been there. He already knows dragons exist.
He's writing his story so that you will know that dragons can be beaten.

RATING: One Impossible Dream.
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