(no subject)

Mar 26, 2005 11:26

ok i was bored so im going to fill in this little survey thingy that kristin had in her livejournal.

:x: name = : Amanda
x: piercings = : nope
x: tattoos = :Nope
x: height = : In between 5'6 and 5'7
x: shoe size = : 81/2-9
x: hair color = : lighter brown with highlights
x: length = :a little shorter than mid-back
x: siblings = None

:x: movie you rented = dodgeball
:x: person you've called = colleen
:x: person that's called you = molly
:x: tv show you've watched = OC reruns
:x: person you were thinking of = franny

:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes
:x: you think about suicide = No
:x: you believe in online dating = No it's weird
:x: you want more piercings? = nope
:x: you drink = Nope
:x: you smoke = Nope
:x: you like cleaning =ugh no
:x: you like roller coasters =duh i love them
:x: you write in cursive or print = Print/half and half
:x: you carry a donor card = nope i dont wanna be cut up

:x: long distance relationships = depends on situation, but yea
:x: using someone = Against
:x: killing people = ugh no!
:x: teenage smoking = why dont you just shoot yourself now cause your gunna die later...its GROSS!
:x: premarital sex = nope (against my religion)

:x: food= pretzels. or tea. does tea count?
:x: sports = xc, track, horseback-riding=yes it is a sport!
:x: drink = water/tea
:x: holiday = Christmas/I have a weird thing for the 4th of july and easter too

:x: ever cried over a guy = probablly..
:x: ever lied to someone = yep
:x: ever been in a fist fight =haha yea!!!!! no.
:x: ever been arrested = yea im gangsta. NO!

:x: disney movie = 101 dalmatsions. (the old school animated version) or lion king.
x: scent = ralph by ralph lauren of babydoll by yvess san lauren (sp?) o and i like touch of pink by lacoste
x: nickname = mandi-poo/manders
:x: eye color = green. (sometimes with blue in the middle)
:x: flower = i love pink or white roses! and i love tulips!
:x: piercing = uhh not a huge fan. probablly ears. and belly button doesn't look bad if its not tacky and you dont have a gut.

:x: pretty = sometimes.
:x: funny = people laugh b/c im stupid, but im not like funny or anything. lol
:x: hot = nooooo.
:x: friendly =yeppers
:x: amusing = i find myself pretty amusing.
:x: ugly = yea sometimes.
:x: loveable = how could you not love me? haha yea i guess im loveable enough once you get to know me.
:x: pessimistic = no. im the eternal optimist!
:x: optimistic = yeppers
:x: caring = yea i think so.
:x: sweet = yea. ( i hope people think im nice)
:x: dorky = haha YES!

:x: Spell your first name back wards = Adnama
:x: The story behind your user name = i love lipgloss so my friend kristin made it up for me.
:x: Where do you want to live = i want to have a house in nyc, a house in florida, (new symrna beach to be exact), a house in buffalo, a house in newport beach, (cali) and a house in west virgina, and saratoga, and one in lake placid.

:x: Wallet = changes a lot. right now its its a black ninewest one. very basic
:x: Hairbrush = i have a ton. but i use my silver paddle brush a lot.
:x: Toothbrush = purple and white. im buying the mechanical care bear one though! im excited...
:x: Jewelery worn daily = ummm usually my livestrong. i wear my tiffanys a lot too.
:x: Pillow cover = white or white and purple flowers that match my room.
:x: Blanket = definatley the chenile gold one from pottery barn. or the red down one.
:x: Coffee cup = the one my daddys company makes. its shiny! or my starbucks one with the pretty tulips all over it.
:x: Shoes = i love them!! at the moment, by shiny hot pink sandal pumps.
:x: Handbag = hmmmmm...
:x: Favorite top = i got the cutest pink and whtie henley from j-crew. its very me./
:x: What you are wearing now = pink plaid pajama pants and a purple "aspen" AE hoody
:x: Hair =umm..weird question..its on my head.
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)..
:x: In my mouth = a straw that was in my tea. ( yes i liek to drink tea with stras)
:x: In my head = thinking about how much homework i still hav eto do before i go to florida. and what time im getting spray tanned today.
:x: Wishing = To get spray tanned, to hurry up and get to florida, and to talk to franny.
:x: After this = math homework. :'(
:x: Eating = nothing
:x: Person you wish you could see right now = franny/molly/colleen
:x: Is next to you = im all by myself. =(
:x: Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month = FLORIDA!!!!
:x: Something that you are deathly afraid of? = getting fat./feet/dying
:x: Do you like candles = yea
:x: Do you like hot wax = nope
:x: Do you like incense = naw the smell makes me sick.
:x: Do you like the taste of blood = eww no. (haha grace)
:x: Do you believe in love = yea
:x: Do you believe in soul mates =yeppers
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = yes i think so
:x: Do you believe in forgiveness = yea
:x: Do you believe in God = yeppers
:x: What do you want done with your body when you die =i would like to think that i could be all noble and be like an organ donor or something, but i dont think that i would want to be cut up. i guess that i would just want like a normal burrial. no cremation.
:x: Who is your worst enemy? = theres people i dont like obviously but i dont think that i have like enemies.
:x: What is the latest you've ever stayed up = all night:x: Ever been to Belgium? = NO
:x: Can you eat with chopsticks = haha i try but i never can.
:x: Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? = franny. well ive seen him i guess. but still. people from florida.
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