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*sigh* solvent90 July 19 2007, 19:49:58 UTC
Is this about US law, though, or about LJ getting proactive about attacking content that might border on illegal? Because - not that I know much about US law - I think it's unlikely that fannish activity is illegal (at least I think the copyright issues are a much greyer area than obscenity and/or child harm issues), and fandom would have the same issues anywhere on the internet; but if it's about LJ being all proactive, then. Yes. I suppose it could be.


Re: *sigh* glossing July 19 2007, 19:53:01 UTC
My reading? It's LJ using something they refer to as "US law" as a cover for their own site policies. But, dude. "US law", especially obscenity law, varies from municipality to municipality, let alone from the state to federal levels.

I think their time would be better spent hiring a spokesperson who could say things clearly WITHOUT USING EMOTICONS, but that might be just me. *g*


Re: *sigh* solvent90 July 19 2007, 19:58:22 UTC
Oh. Was that the official spokesperson? I thought it was some drive-by 'expert'. Um. Wow. *packs*

[Also, hee, Potterdammerung. I love that that's the unremarkable official term. ]


Re: *sigh* glossing July 19 2007, 19:59:48 UTC
Yes, that's the spokesguy. I don't think they let Barak use the keyboard any longer.

(Potterdammerung is the best coinage *ever*.)


Re: *sigh* milkshake_b July 20 2007, 04:54:11 UTC
Burr86 isn't noticeably an improvement, however. Even the people I know who like him agree that as public relations representative, he's... a technician. (WE MISS YOU BRAD.)


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