[fic] Be all these things (Bruce/Tim, Adult; overgrown meme-response)

May 08, 2007 19:54

Title: Be all these things
Pairing: Bruce/Tim
Rating: Porn
Setting/timeline: Um, well, vaguely OYL, not that *that* matters; well after Tim's 16th birthday and Identity Crisis. You know. Comicstime ( Read more... )

robinosexuality, fic - comics, robin, batman, tim drake, bruce wayne, boyslash

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Comments 29

sageness May 9 2007, 00:10:07 UTC


glossing May 9 2007, 00:13:50 UTC
*beams gratefully&


jubilancy May 9 2007, 00:12:07 UTC
Oh dear god. Tim is the best at genderfuck.

I'll be back in a little bit to give better feedback, after I jam some metal in Bucky. Just whoa.


glossing May 9 2007, 00:15:17 UTC
Tim is the best at genderfuck.
I am so glad we agree on this.

after I jam some metal in Bucky
Yes, please! Take your time hurry up. *cough*

And thank you. Today has been ka-razy. I like it.


jubilancy May 9 2007, 02:45:36 UTC
"Really *too* S/M, don't you think?"
Oh Tim, you bitchy little bitch. I love you.

The truth of it is that Tim *is* beautiful like this, moving with, then against, him, his narrow, muscled thighs flexing around Bruce's, a long lock of auburn hair caught in his teeth and his bra twisted up over one (absent) breast. A great line, so grounded in the immediate, which works especially well with one that followed it, which starts off with more remove. Delicious.

The uniforms, after all, can be shared, discarded, and replaced; Dick and Jason and Barbara have done their utmost to make him see *that*. But in the breaking, pulsing moment, despite all the ghosts and regrets that pack his skull, "you" has a single object.

He comes, shuddering apart. All that is left is sweat and the memory of wind, and Tim's sidelong gaze.

This is a great ending, both in its rhythm and its finality.

My favorite part of this is how purposeful Tim is in his gender presentation choice for the evening.


caiusmajor May 9 2007, 00:39:54 UTC
This is REALLY REALLY hot, and generally awesome. I *love* Batgirl!Tim very much, and I'm terribly terribly fond (in a wrong, very meta way) of this line: "I'm a girl," Tim says, gravely, as he turns, "so you're doing it from the front tonight."


glossing May 9 2007, 00:48:00 UTC
in a wrong, very meta way
Wrong-meta seems to be the order of the day, eh? *thumbs up*

Thank you so much!


petronelle May 9 2007, 00:42:47 UTC
You own me.

Signed, sealed, delivered.

Heck if I know what you'll do with me.

I was in love with it and you at Tim's hair.

I shrieked -- entirely literally, and with an instant followup of "I'm okay! Really!" for the other person in the house -- at "Stephanie. Martha."

Then I had to fight not to cry.

Then I had to fight not to flail out loud again at Leslie.

"Should I call you Daddy, or --"

Wait, no -- that's wrong --


And the sex.

And I *hate* it when people do the lubed-for-your-convenience thing. I hate it like fire. But if anyone, anywhere, anywhen would, Tim on hir first night out as Batgirl would.

I also love you for making it established relationship, and I don't have words for why. This feedback should make it pretty clear I don't have words for most of my reaction, but I loved that, too.

*mails self to you -- just let her go find another hundred stamps or so*


glossing May 9 2007, 00:51:27 UTC
This is a package I *would* go pick up. :)

I *hate* it when people do the lubed-for-your-convenience thing. I hate it like fire. But if anyone, anywhere, anywhen would, Tim on hir first night out as Batgirl would.
Oh, god, I hate it like NUCLEAR BURNING. But - yes. Even if part of me wanted it to be dry. *edits?*

making it established relationship
*nodnod* I - I don't know, it's sort of like Bruce/Dick in my head? In that they could have been together (however we define that) from the very first, and maybe sex didn't happen for a while, but -. Yes. The relationship's always been right at the forefront of the quantum cloud.

Thank you!


petronelle May 9 2007, 00:54:58 UTC
No editing necessary. *Batgirl* would do this.

*beams at you a lot*

The relationship's always been right at the forefront of the quantum cloud.
Just when I think I can't love your brain more, you hit another high note. What a great way of expressing it.


katarik May 9 2007, 00:46:32 UTC
[19:31] “petronelle”: GLOSS OWNS ME
[19:31] “katarik”: i am staring at the screen trying helplessly to figure out how to feedback
[19:32] “katarik”: because. um. guh and META and also keyboardmash and also BATGIRL
[19:32] “petronelle”: I just SHRIEKED
[19:32] “petronelle”: at
[19:32] “petronelle”: Women never last long around here.

Stephanie. Martha.
[19:32] “petronelle”: literally
[19:32] “katarik”: a very specific *type* of batgirl, even
[19:32] “katarik”: oh, man, YES, ME TOO
[19:32] “petronelle”: like I STABBED myself shrieked
[19:32] “katarik”: i didn't go quite that far, but we;ll say i'm grateful i lack a roommate
[19:33] “petronelle”: yeah, I had to immediately yell "I'M OKAY I PROMISE"
[19:33] “katarik”: *laughs*
[19:33] “petronelle”: LESLIE
[19:33] “petronelle”: HOLY CRAP.
[19:33] “petronelle”: OH. MY. HEART.
[19:33] “katarik”: bruuuuuuuuce
[19:34] “petronelle”: ...from the front tonight. O.o
[19:34] “petronelle”: oh babies. a lot.
[19:34] “katarik”: i loved the description of tim's hair
[19:34] “petronelle”: *muffles another shriek*
[19:34] “petronelle”: "Should I call you Daddy, or is that -"

[19:34] “petronelle”: YES
[19:34] “petronelle”: wait NO
[19:34] “petronelle”: YES
[19:34] “petronelle”: ...no. um. Yes?
[19:34] “katarik”: too impersonal, petra!
[19:35] “katarik”: oh, GLOSS, HOW I HEART YOU
[19:35] “petronelle”: god yes.


katarik May 9 2007, 00:47:03 UTC
... Wow, I fail at HTML. *hides* Please to forgive?


glossing May 9 2007, 00:52:39 UTC
Is totally all right! *snugs*

Man, is there anything better than instachatfeedback? I'm drawing a blank. Thank you *so much*.


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