[fic] Tell All the Stars (Thrillkiller: Babs/Dick/Selina, porn)

Feb 14, 2007 16:03

A porny Valentine for my friendslist. Some dear lovely anonymouse gave me candy hearts for my profile page, but since I don't know who it was, everyone gets the gratitude fic. romanyg *also* gave me crunchy love candies, so this is specifically for her, because it features f/f rimming and a reacharound, and a2zmom *also-also*, because Babs/Dick is one of her ( Read more... )

threesome, dick grayson, het, fic - comics, selina kyle, girlslash, barbara gordon

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*hates on lj* katarik February 16 2007, 21:01:57 UTC
I think my favorite part of this is the voices. This is really clearly Thrillkiller Babs and Thrillkiller Dick, down to his sulky utter devotion and her careless ease and affection for him.

They're so *young*, and it shows.

It's all about the costume. When she's the Bat, she's mean and *fierce*, flying low and striking hard. When she's dolled up as the ditzy heiress, she laughs quicker than champagne and dances all night.

And, now, wearing trousers and tipping her fedora brim to the prettiest girls as she strides down Sprang, she's all man. She's taking up too much space, her arms swinging free, as she adopts Dick's liquid swagger. It's in the hips and jut of the shoulders, Zitka's pressure burning warm between her legs, a cock of her head and wide grin. It's the confidence that she belongs and can take whatever she wants.

Oooooooohhhhhhhh. Guh. Yes. Laughing quicker than champagne is *beautiful*, and this Babs would totally think 'dolled up.' Mmmm, Dick's liquid swagger, I'm going to think about Babs moving like that now. Mmmmm. *happysigh* 'Taking up too much space' reminds me a lot of Pratchett's Monstrous Regiment, which is awesome and if you haven't read it you need to.

Dick was the lost puppy with a fondness for other strays; she simply signed the checks. "Those."

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* Oh DICK. Yes.

Mmmmmmm, that is *lovely* Selina Kyle/Barbara Gordon. I love comparing it, in my head, to Selina Kyle/Bruc(i)e Wayne. HELLO.


(And now I have to go because I am heading home. MORE REVIEW COMING.)


Re: *hates on lj*: Part II katarik February 17 2007, 02:02:16 UTC
Dick is the most adorable, in love, devoted creature in the universe. Eeek. Poor boy.

Dick tries to look at her, one blue eye rolling wild, but the Cat's got him pinned between one hand and one thigh. On her knees beside them, Babs kisses the Cat's thigh where her stocking is laddered and bats Dick's hand away from his cock.

Oh, *Dick*. Oh Dick. Oh baby boy. Honey. (*Pinned*? Wow.)

I. I am a little scared for him? And also really envious of Babs, and I want to *hug him*, and oh my boy. Okay, I'm a *lot* worried for him. He's so in love with her and she's really *really* not safe, not good for him and oh oh oh oh dear.


*goes back to the image of Babs fingering Dick until his throat's hoarse from yelling*


Re: *hates on lj*: Part II glossing February 17 2007, 02:14:54 UTC
Thrillkiller's Dick, with only Babs and no other anchor in his life, worries me hugely. I'm glad -- and yet sorry -- that that came through here for you, because --. Well. Glad, because I did my job fairly well, but sad, because you shouldn't be sad and neither should Dick.

You know?


Re: *hates on lj*: Part II katarik February 17 2007, 05:02:12 UTC
*hugs you and him v. tightly*

Poor *kid*, man.


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