[fic] Tell All the Stars (Thrillkiller: Babs/Dick/Selina, porn)

Feb 14, 2007 16:03

A porny Valentine for my friendslist. Some dear lovely anonymouse gave me candy hearts for my profile page, but since I don't know who it was, everyone gets the gratitude fic. romanyg *also* gave me crunchy love candies, so this is specifically for her, because it features f/f rimming and a reacharound, and a2zmom *also-also*, because Babs/Dick is one of her ( Read more... )

threesome, dick grayson, het, fic - comics, selina kyle, girlslash, barbara gordon

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glossing February 14 2007, 22:38:05 UTC
Thanks muchly for giving this a try.

I'm quite a fan of the Thrillkiller Elseworld
It's been on my mind lately, thanks to some discussions off LJ, and the thing is, I really dislike that story's execution, but I'm hopelessly drawn to the potential dynamics it suggests. I like the idea of a Dick and Babs sans Bruce's long shadow, in particular, and I love the setting very much.

I can't see why this story, specifically, occurs out of the lives of these three characters. I can't see anything definable, here. It could be anyone -- it's Babs, Dick, and Selina, but it reads like it could be anyone. Like it could be any world.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I've found TK's Dick and Selina, in particular, to be horridly under-characterized, so I enjoyed giving them a bit more to do. It's a shame I failed you as a reader.

I'm still a little confused as to why you'd take a line of Jason's and give it to Selina?
Um, because it was about cats? I made note of it because I didn't want to be accused of plagiarism.

I can't feel any depth. Maybe there isn't supposed to be any -- but this just doesn't resonate for me, and I don't recognise the characters, I guess.
Maybe I'm just a big pervert and enjoyed the porn. S'okay.


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