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Comments 60

jubilancy January 21 2007, 02:24:35 UTC

I had to run around the apartment after reading this. This is the biggest wish fulfillment I could ever imagine happening. I just... Jason! Bruce! Ian! Timmy!

One squirrelly little guy, in a suit as dark and sharp as *Bruce's*, keeps looking over at them. Jason crosses his eyes at him, even flips him -- discreetly -- off, but the kid won't go away.

We're what, 4 sentences in, and I'm already screaming with pleasure?

The light from the cigarette's cherry-tip makes Timmy's face look even skinnier, almost *haunted*, as he frowns. "It makes you taste like an ashtray."

Jason taps the ash onto the carpet and rolls his head over until he's staring at Timmy, just four inches away. "Does it?"

Timmy's jaw tightens and it's not just the cherry that's glowing red. He's fucking *blushing*. "Yes. A-a-ashtray."

yesyesyes this is how EVERY Jason/Tim First Encounter should be! Well, not every one, but this has the Ring of Rightness.

"and that would be Blah de ( ... )


*babbles at you* glossing January 22 2007, 02:10:09 UTC
I had to run around the apartment after reading this.
I am *so* taken with the image of you running laps while Kate bounces around. *hee*

this has the Ring of Rightness.
Oh, yay! I tried, in a couple drafts, to pull the Jason/Tim stuff out of the story, because - well. I thought it'd been done, I thought it was lame, but everything kind of collapsed without Timmy's creepy watchfulness. (J/T to match and mirror B/I and, and...)

the morse code- that is so them. And perfect, especially when Jason thinks Bruce is being sappy while TAPPING ON HIS SKULL.
Ahahahaha! If Bruce taught Cass and Tim Navajo code, he *totally* taught Jason Morse Code. (That is, really, my favorite made-up detail ever this week.)

Ian McKaye, ladies and gentlemen. You have him in 3 sentences.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ian McKaye was actually Batman.
*wants that story omg*

This has made me so ridiculously happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.DUDE. I'm so glad you liked this! And you are very, very welcome, ( ... )


Re: *babbles at you* jubilancy January 22 2007, 23:30:26 UTC
Stuff like this & people like you are the whole reason I want to be fannish in the first place. <333333333!


jubilancy January 21 2007, 02:29:53 UTC
Oh, also: White Man #65- I laughed and laughed. Also at the sons brought as dates, and Jason's disgusted tone throughout.


AND jubilancy January 21 2007, 03:08:03 UTC
"Too true!" the second horse-voice titters. "But did you *see* Brucie with his latest urchin? Do you know, he broke off *three* appointments with Bettina Beaumont? Not to mention the way he spoke to Freddy Farmingdale, did you *hear*?"

"And how many is that now?" the first one asks. "Urchins, I mean, of course. Two? Three?"

"Who knows? They're all just *dear*, aren't they, though? Such pretty little things, so *sad*, and..."


"Jay," Timmy whispers more urgently. He touches Jason's shoulder and it occurs to Jason, way too late, that he never told the little stalker his name.

It doesn't matter. Not now, probably never did. He's clenching his hands so tightly they're starting to go a little numb. Not numb enough, though, not nearly enough, and he'd really like to punch something. Right fucking *now*.

OH GOD, my heart. I wonder about this all the time, what Gotham was supposed to THINK about Bruce and his lost boys, and to see Jason confront what OF COURSE they did think (with good reason here) is just awesome/painful.


Re: AND jubilancy January 21 2007, 03:15:47 UTC
I am in danger of quoting your entire story back at you, but...

And that's the weirdest part of this whole fucking *bizarre* turn his life has taken, that he's sleeping with - not just Batman, but Bruce Fucking Wayne - and it's not just good. Sex is always good, that's not it. That he likes making Bruce come, and it's not gratitude, not necessarily payback, though that's probably a part of it. He likes it just because.

Gloss #1. Jason may be part of the capitalist marketplace even when it comes to where he lives/sleeps, but he'll damn well do it HIS WAY.


Re: AND glossing January 22 2007, 02:17:03 UTC
Jason may be part of the capitalist marketplace even when it comes to where he lives/sleeps, but he'll damn well do it HIS WAY.
AHAHAHA. *Yes*, right down to his highly specific blowjob technique.

*loves on him and you*


Part one katarik January 21 2007, 02:45:32 UTC

*settles in to read*

Jason hates the little pricks even more. Right off the bat, they're just *obviously* full of shit, standing in little packs talking about lacrosse and Exeter and Yale early admissions and the tits on the girls from Putney until Jay's ready to puke.

Ahahahahahaha my street-kid Robin BOY. I want to hug him and give him somebody to punch.

The tingle spreads over Jason's scalp like a paint spill. He's not a fucking toy.

'This isn't a game, Jason' is probably not the reaction I was actually supposed to have.

AHAHAHAHAHA I totally knew the weird kid was Tim, go me! Aww, Timmy. Probably a good plan not to let Brucie Wayne's Ward know you know he's Robin.

"Make sure," Jason says hoarsely and bites Timmy's cheek. Hot: he *is* blushing. He smears his mouth down and over, and Timmy squeaks again, his teeth clicking as he clamps his mouth shut, as Jason kisses him, *hard*.*SQUEAKS LIKE TIM ( ... )


Re: Part one katarik January 21 2007, 02:45:56 UTC

Jason has to take him down. It's just what he *does*, it's not like he has to think about it. Circling the lumberjack, he gives him three swift, hard kidney kicks, jabs his elbow into the *other* kidney, and runs back around, wrestling the crying victim free and shoving him away ( ... )


Re: Part one glossing January 22 2007, 02:25:57 UTC
That's my boy, my Jason, that's the one I fell in love with, that scrappy street-punk kid who got in fights for the fun of it and the *right* of it. The one who loved cars and girls and getting into fights, Neopolitan ice cream and the color green... and most of all he loved the thrill of being Robin.
NNNNNGGGHHHHHHHH, yes, that. *weeps*

God, sweetness, thank you so much for this. So much.


Re: Part one glossing January 22 2007, 02:23:37 UTC
I want to hug him and give him somebody to punch.
ME, TOO. All the damn time, actually.

I totally knew the weird kid was Tim, go me! Aww, Timmy
Timmy's not half so subtle as he'd like to believe he is. Then again, he is *mumblemumble*years old, so...

Talking in Morse code under the table!
*beams at you!!!* I am uncharacteristically, overwhelmingly *proud* of that.

I can see Jason at this concert so *clearly*, fierce and laughing and *moving*.
Oooh, I love that image. Yes.

Thank you!


oneangrykate January 21 2007, 02:55:43 UTC
Oh my god oh my god. So Jube may have claimed she was running around the apartment, but as soon as I read the last line I had to literally HOP ABOUT AROUND THE LIVING ROOM.

Timmy's smaller than he is, and he tastes like nothing at all, like water and hot steam and nothing else, but he's clutching at Jason's arms and neck and *grabbing* hard as he presses his open mouth against Jason's.

Timmy really has no idea what the fuck he's doing, and for some reason, that feels fucking *great*.
This whole section filled me with inappropriate glee.

"Jay," Timmy whispers more urgently. He touches Jason's shoulder and it occurs to Jason, way too late, that he never told the little stalker his name.

Block letters, each as high as his hand: R. A. F.

And just. Everything. Jason is so frigging awesome.

He's a punk, and he's Robin, and even though Bruce will never quite get it, that's the *same fucking thing*. You do what you have to, you take care of everyone you can, especially the oppressed (and the cute), you live as clean ( ... )


glossing January 22 2007, 02:28:32 UTC
*dies of awesome* That, right there? Best feedback *ever*.

This whole section filled me with inappropriate glee.
Highly inappropriate, totally, though not quite so inappropriate as the pure true love of Bruce/Jason. *covers face*

Jason is so frigging awesome.
YES! I love him more than I thought I could, having finished this.

Just - thank you SO MUCH for all of this, Hoppy. <3333


brown_betty January 21 2007, 06:28:37 UTC
The way you do this, the way you normalize it, just blows me away. A day in the life of Jason, with class issues and stalkers, and blow-jobs and crime fighting.

(I went o.O over the RPS warning, but luckily I don't know them from Adam)


glossing January 22 2007, 02:31:11 UTC
the way you normalize it
Wow, thank you - I started to worry myself, because I needed for Jason/Jason's POV to insist on the normalcy of everything, but I didn't want it to be thoughtless, fluffy chan, and I ANGSTED and fiddled and drove the beta crazy.

(I did not know the community's standards on RPF. meep?)


brown_betty January 22 2007, 02:32:53 UTC
I don't think there's a standard! I was just concerned that Matt Damon was going to walk on-screen or something, or Frank Miller, and only my complete trust in you allowed me to read with an untroubled mind.


glossing January 22 2007, 02:36:03 UTC
Ahahaha! No, aside from terrible porn and some Seth Green stuff, the RPF I write tends to be about the obscure and/or unlikely - Keith Haring, Kerouac, &c.

(And thank you!)


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