[fic] Intricate Days (Nightwing/Superboy, NC-17)

Sep 08, 2006 15:50

It took all summer, but, *damn*, this was fun ( Read more... )

fic - comics, kon-el, jason todd, boyslash

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Comments 55

ficbyzee September 8 2006, 21:24:14 UTC
I haven't been able to finish it yet because stupid work is interfering with my fannish life, bah, but I am loving this *so much* so far. Just, omg, your Jay and your Kon work so amazingly fucking well together. *awe*


ficbyzee September 9 2006, 08:12:12 UTC
Oh my fucking god. I--seriously cannot even deal with how much that blew me away. I don't even care if it's technically not anymore, I'm considering this FOR ME. It is MINE.

Damn. Just *damn,* girl. Can I blame the fact that it totally made me cry on exhaustion? Erm. Yes. Let's do that.

I have so much more to say about this and I can't articulate *any* of it now, but... but wow. This fic is every reason I fell for the characters of Jason and Kon, and it's *more* than that, and I have to pretend that this fic starts an AU where Kon DOESN'T DIE or I will just explode. And cry more. Um.

I think this is possibly the most useless, weird feedback I've ever left for a fic. Um. Go me?


glossing September 13 2006, 19:42:50 UTC
I'm considering this FOR ME. It is MINE.
Of course it's yours! You wanted hooker-Kon *and* Jason/Kon and you got it. Eventually. And this would never have been finished if I weren't so thoroughly, consistently inspired by your Kon-love and overall huge heart.

I am so happy this made you happy (for a given definition of 'happy'), you have no idea. Just -- YAYx1million, you know?

Not useless feedback *at all*. Thank you so much.


You've finally given me a *reason* to have my Kon/Jason icon. ficbyzee September 13 2006, 19:53:22 UTC
And this would never have been finished if I weren't so thoroughly, consistently inspired by your Kon-love and overall huge heart.

Geez, make me all mushy why don't you. ♥

This really *did* make me happy, even with all the, you know, pain and stuff. ...and I didn't say this in my first feedback because I didn't want to be rude, but--I would be utterly fascinated by a sequel to this. Just sayin'. ;)


thete1 September 8 2006, 22:50:10 UTC
God, just -- *wow*. Beautifully done, and so very *them* at just that time. Those times. *Thing ( ... )


glossing September 13 2006, 19:43:11 UTC
timing defines characterization, and how that's always *true*... but it just can't be any *more* true than it is in this fandom.
Scarily true here. What's more, I tried to make it fit into what *follows* in term of canon-timing -- not with Kon, obviously, but with Jason OYL. Because, apparently, my brain LIKES to hurt.

this is *why* Kon/Jason doesn't do it for me. Because they're just that hot and rough and several different lower-case-d varieties of doomed
*nodNOD* They -- man. They're not a *ship* for me, they're not a longterm *anything*, but as a conjunction? An intersection? I love them hugely.

I was actually wondering for a *while* if you were going for the original hypertime/Superrobin thing, only slightly altered, even though I *knew* you weren't...
I want to. Someday. Or something like it, because -- Kon. Gotham. MASKS. It would just be too scary-right *not* to do.

So yeah. That moment with the society pages -- kldjlkSJ *FLAIL*
Yay! Sometimes cheating *works*.

God. I'm kind of dying to see -- in that peeking fearfully ( ... )


scribbleomania September 8 2006, 23:17:13 UTC
I... wow. Am not coherent. That was wonderful.


glossing September 13 2006, 19:43:57 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed.


bagheera_san September 8 2006, 23:17:52 UTC
Yay! I'm not really very familiar with Jason, only that he came back in the Nightwing title and was fucked up, but he just works with Kon, kinda. And Kon, in post-Crisis world - eeeee!
I sort of wish the ending had been a little less... open? For Jason, anyway, since I had the feeling that he got a little better with Kon and maybe not quite so psycho anymore, or a better adjusted kind of psycho, so it'd have been nice to see how it works out for him.
I loved the descriptions of Gotham and the original characters.


glossing September 13 2006, 19:44:40 UTC
Yay! I'm not really very familiar with Jason, only that he came back in the Nightwing title and was fucked up, but he just works with Kon, kinda.
He's very fucked-up, and his -- hmm. His *openness*, his lack of discretion? Sits very nicely with Kon.

And Kon, in post-Crisis world - eeeee!
He's not dead. NO. *g*

I sort of wish the ending had been a little less... open? For Jason, anyway, since I had the feeling that he got a little better with Kon and maybe not quite so psycho anymore, or a better adjusted kind of psycho, so it'd have been nice to see how it works out for him.
Mmm, interesting -- I was really, *really* leery of following Jason that far, if only because I have this absurd need to fit into canon, such that this Jason *does* leave Gotham to the new Batwoman and goes to New York to bug Dick.

Thank you so much.


petronelle September 8 2006, 23:28:50 UTC
Merciful heavens. I was making all manner of high pitched noises as I read.

Kon's ignorance broke me repeatedly. Of course he had to be ignorant, and *such* a baby, and not putting together that No-Bats meant *problems* -- but *damn.*

Achtung's Razor. I wailed with joy.

"Your mom." Kon is *so* nineties.

Dick's name drives me nuts, sometimes, but it sure is good for playing "Who's on first?"

The Wendy reference made me bounce in my seat until I nearly dropped the computer.

But Harvey?

I bit my finger and went "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" until the cat stared and the other person in the room laughed uproariously at me.

This story gave me more joy than I can fit in a comment box, partially because the truth of what was happening is *so* dark and awful and miserable.

I don't know whether I was glad to see Bart at the end or not.


glossing September 13 2006, 19:45:13 UTC
I was making all manner of high pitched noises as I read.
...or, you know, not. :D

Kon's ignorance broke me repeatedly. Of course he had to be ignorant, and *such* a baby, and not putting together that No-Bats meant *problems* -- but *damn.*
I think his necessary ignorance was what kept breaking me and holding this up, because it just *hurt* too much to keep inflicting on the boy.

But Harvey?
I bit my finger and went "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" until the cat stared and the other person in the room laughed uproariously at me.
All for you, that little meeting. *beams*

I don't know whether I was glad to see Bart at the end or not.
You're not alone in that.

Thank you *so much* for such terrific feedback. I'm *aglow*.


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