I dissected an eyeball today and it was pretty cool. They're not really mushy like they seem! It was wayyy harder to cut through than a heart or brain, but it was cool because once you actually get through the tough outer layer, all the weird inner liquid squirts out all over the place. the inside layers reminded me of the seaweed they use to wrap sushi with. I ate sushi for dinner.
My myspace page has now accumulated over 50,000 views. If I had a dollar for every timeee...
Some people's LJ's really annoy me, but I guess that doesn't really matter because it's their own journal, and they can write whatever they want. I'm sure I annoy people too, all I ever talk about is my hairrrrr, or how I love everryythingggg, or how I'm going to die alonnneee.
Oh, here are some pictures of me: