Dec 16, 2005 14:28
As a year in review, go back and copy the first line of every first post from each month.
January: If you've never had Haagen-Daz strawberry banana frozen yogurt, your life is not at its fullest.
February: WHAT AM I DOING IN THE BACKGROUND?! (ok ok, it was referencing a picture)
March: So England is for sure.
April: I just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dag yo, I want to be in love.
May: Sometimes I'll find myself really pleased with a certain few days or weeks of my life.
June: -I'm home.
-I sleep 90% of the day bc my body is still so Indian.
July: A) The Dubliner tonight was fantastic. I'm drunk and I even know that. BA called me and said she was at McDinton's. FML.
August: Now I have the rest of the trip to just relax and go to London tomorrow and see "We Will Rock You", the musical based on Queen. How f-ing amazing.
September: I'm not promising poignancy, or even coherency, just honesty.
October: My life is so good right now i can't even take it.
November: Just got home from the Copeland show, which was quite good despite what I had heard about Copeland being sub-par live.
December: In hand: New York Times Sunday edition, Orlando Sentinel Sunday edition, XL Dunkin Donuts coffee, coffee cake muffin.
So based on the previous statements, I have concluded that I:
-drank too much this summer (though I didn’t need LJ to point that out…)
-I’m ridiculous.
-winter=OK. Spring=lonely. Summer=crazy/not great/marking point. Fall= blessed but confusing
-my life really does revolve around food and coffee and music.
I am back at home and of course, it feels different, yet again. Why can’t one place feel the same every time I’m there? I got home Tuesday night and have been working in my Dad’s office to earn some extra money. Travis is coming this afternoon. I will admit that it’s weird not seeing him everyday. Home is nice though. Somehow, I still have 876239486 things to do, which include, but are not limited to:
-preparing my message to speak to HP’s Christian Believer retreat on Sun morning
-writing law/div school essays
-finishing up presents
And right now I think I shall laze around and play with my sister’s beagle instead. HA.