Nov 08, 2005 07:41
school is moving along. the workload is heavy, but i am handling it.
housework is far-neglected here, and causing me way too much stress.
been eating extremely well (and paying loads for it as i've been shopping at whole foods).
i have four new foster rabbit - they are babies with lop-ears.
massage is essential but i never seem to have time for it.
today i am going to exercise my right to vote on some ann arbor millages. i really do live here. and not in a transient way.
today is also a school of education 'diversity dialogue' where i am sure to be again the only white person representing (if you call me white) and (where are the other white people in the SOE?) and (do non-whites think i am 1.pretentious, 2.guilt-ridden, 3.weird for attending these events?)
last night i ate risotto made by my friend paolo. it was very delicious! but my whole house smells like it now.
coffee's weak this morn.