(no subject)

Aug 19, 2006 21:19

Whoa, I haven't updated my LJ in over two months. What is wrong with this picture??

What's new:
I took a class over the summer just to stay connected.
I've been working at the Humboldt County library for a while; it's the perfect job right now.
I'm still sober. I haven't used any drugs or alcohol in almost SEVEN months!
I still go to meetings, and I have a great sponsor with whom I'm working the steps.
I have a new roommate named Lindsey; she rules.
Besides Lindsey, I still haven't made any friends yet. I'm still reclusive. Except now instead of drinking and drugging and going online, I read.
I go back to school in a week. I have a sweet schedule and I'm looking forward to it.

Most importantly, I am happy. I've been going with the flow of life, floating, not thrashing in attempt to save my sorry ass. I'm exhilarated to know when I'm taking the right turns. When I reach a fork, I pray for a sign, with the willingness to follow through.

For instance, I didn't know what to do about my education; I have 46 units under my belt and several major options: stay at a JC until I'm competitive enough to apply to Berkeley, apply to schools I can get into, or study abroad (New Zealand sparked my interest.) I asked God for a small sign on what I should do. He gave me more than a small sign. He gave me one of those giant flashing LANE ENDING MERGE RIGHT construction signs: My landlady has every National Geographic magazine ever published in chronological order. I felt like reading one from the 70's and grabbed one at random--July 1973. The featured article was about the glow worms in the Waitomo Caves in New Zealand. Check this, not only is my nickname glow worm, but I LOVE caves, and these caves are close to the university I had my eye on. In fact the article quotes students! To add a cherry on top, Waikato University offers cog sci as a major. So New Zealand, it is! I am so fucking excited. Before all this happened, my former roommate Jenine moved to Scotland for 6 months through a work abroad program. She's such a cool chick, she's traveled and lived all over the world. She was the one who suggested I study abroad. When the time comes, she will be a fabulous help with the bureaucratic details.

I am exceedingly grateful that I have such amazing options. I get to go to college. I have the means to live on my own in the redwood forest on the coast of Cali, one of the most beautiful places on earth. I have the means and the freedom to move to another country. I even have a car. I also have a keyboard and a computer. Shit, I even have an iPod. To say nothing about my good health, the clothes on my body, the food in my fridge, and the roof over my head! I have too many comforts and fabulous opportunities to fuck up my life with alcohol and drugs. It's unfortunate that I can't enjoy a brew or a bowl now and again. But I know how my body and mind work. To those of you who can, knock one back and blaze one up for me, and be grateful for the luxury. In turn I'll think of you carless losers tomorrow as I cruise around town, eating a Power Bar, blasting tunes in my '92 Honda Accord--sorry for rear-ending you, Sir, I was not paying attention when I opened my snack, don't worry I have insurance.
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