Why am I updating instead of finishing packing?

Apr 09, 2010 21:18

I leave for Aguascalientes in about four hours. I haven't showered, I haven't finished packing and yet I'm updating LiveJournal. Sheesh!

As some of you know, my flag football team will play (is it also called a doubleheader if it's football? anyhow, we play two games) in Aguascalientes on Sunday. The team is leaving tomorrow at around 1 p.m. but I decided to leave a little earlier because I have never been to Aguascalientes and I want to do a little sightseeing and take some pictures and you just can't do that if you arrive at night - not that any of my teammates have any interest in sightseeing at all. So I'm riding a bus five hours from here to Guadalajara, changing buses and riding another three to my final destination. I should get there at around 10 and that will give me enough time to visit downtown, hit a couple museums and sites of interest and be back at the hotel by the time everyone else arrives. It's probably not ideal but I didn't go anywhere for Spring Break so this can be my mini-vacation.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned this, but even though I love traveling and jump at any chance to do so, the night before I have to I always get this strange feeling in my gut, a mixture of "am I forgetting something?" and "this is a really bad idea, I should just stay". I can't really explain it, but it's always there. Nothing bad has ever happened to me while traveling *knocks on wood* and I always have fun, but this nagging feeling really gets to me sometimes. Anybody get anything similar?

Anyway, I really should either a)master one of those Harry Potter packing spells or b)stop dawdling and go do it myself. So, see ya when I get back?

flag football, travel

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