Title:Five Ways the Doctor May Have Ended Up Naked (But Refuses to Confirm nor Deny) and One Way He Definitely Did. 2/6
Rating: Teen
Characters/Paring: Ten/Rose, Jack, OC
never-ever-will prompt 18, each prompt as noted at the end of each section.
milieva, &
develish1 Summary: The title pretty much says it all.
Disclaimer: Based on characters owned and created
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Comments 12
Naked camping makes me laugh and think of Jack. Don't ask me why.
And naked camping sounds like Jack's favorite way of doing it!
ETA: "It" being camping. Gah! Why does everything sound like innuendo when Jack is involved?
And OH WHAT A WAY TO SHOCK ME....announcing pregnancy while unconscious!Ten is unconscious! What made me laugh hardest though, is this:
>>"Hang on," he murmured as he ducked to the side to swipe her neck with his tongue again. His eyes rolled back as he evaluated then sought her gaze as the grin returned. "Sorry, just had to check. Could have been some sort of hallucination."<<
Ten's tongue....the Time Lord pregnancy test!!! *snicker*
Time Lord pockets are magic. **nods**
And OH WHAT A WAY TO SHOCK ME....announcing pregnancy while unconscious!Ten is unconscious!
Bwahaha. Late night bunny attacks, FTW. ;)
Ten's tongue....the Time Lord pregnancy test!!! *snicker*
For some reason, I *love* that idea. LOL. I mean he can tell something is bakelite from licking it (though you can usually tell just by looking ;) ) or that a wall is painted with mistletoe oil...
Yay for naked hurt/comfort!
Glad you liked it!
I *adore* that line!
Thanks for reading. :)
I love that this is how she tells him she is pregnant - so sweet. And the description of her looking through his pockets is just perfect, especially the line about something shuffling past (honestly, I can only imagine what the Doctor probably has stashed away there). :)
I love the idea of the Doctor's transdimensional pockets. The main reason I watch The Doctor's Daughter is for clockworkmouse!squee. XD
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