Title: All That Was
Character/Pairing: Nine, Rose
Setting: Just after Father's Day, missing scene
Rating: All ages
Summary: Is this what you see?
Disclaimer: Based on characters owned and created by BBC, used without permission
Author's Notes: Is it a drabble or is it a poem? Not sure. It has 100 words, but the format suggested itself.
She lifts her tear-streaked face from her hands and pins him with an unblinking stare.
"Is this what it's like for you?" she asks. "All the time?
"I can remember it - my father's story - the one I grew up with.
"But I can remember the new one, too. The one Mum tells now.
"Is this what you see?"
He hesitates and she can see all of the words within his eyes, at the tip of his tongue, wanting to be said:
It's complicated....
Not exactly....
You wouldn't understand....
he spreads his hands and says only,