Jun 04, 2004 13:59

YAY~! the WEEKEND is HERRRREEEE.....took my food and nutrition and english exam...hrmmm...both INCREDIBLY pathetic..i even studied for food and nutrition...ughhh...I'M SO EXCITED~! SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!!!!! yayayayyaayayayayay!! NEEL~! IS THE WHOLE CUBS THING ON OR NOT? cuz if not..i'll be very disappointed...oh well...then we'll probably end up going to six flags? aNYwhOOo...leaving for chicago on the 16th...coming back on the 7th of july...booo!! that's too short of a time!! 3 weeks only!! oh well..better than nothing...i gotta get out of here!! things i am looking forward to when i go to chI-ToWn:

1. hanging out with all my iLLinOis-Ers~!
2. cubs game?? errr...a BIG maybe
3. six flags
4. taste of chicago
5. shopping..gina!! i have no money!!
6. i wanna go to chinatown...anyone wit me?
7. who wants to go to lincolnpark zoo/brookfield/shedd aquarium~! lol..i'm sucha dork~!
8. i wanna go to the dells...but that's up in wisconsin..nvm
9. dunes? jk..that's in indiana
10. Par-Tay lyK nO
11. try and get some free ice cream...well there's cindy that's working at baskin robins and suz is working at DQ..and if i can't get it free, can i at least get a discount?
12. meet up with some hebron ppl? haha..i doubt..but maybe

yeah...keep dreaming gloria...haha..i probably won't get to half of those...but's it's all G..hahah...Nd of course when i come back...go back to my usual boring lyf..babysit niece/nephew, study for act/sat?, start up piano again, get a job?(ughh...i really dunt wanna..maybe during the skewl year), volunteer work (once again...dunt really wanna...who knoes...maybe i'll enjoy it..)and stuff..this weekend SHALL be boring cuz every 1 will prolly be studying...maybe i'll even go to church this spiritual lyf is know wat? i dislike korean adults...OKAY..scratch that...i dislike SOME korean adults...they're so judgemental...and they think they're the sh*t driving around in their lexus and bmw's nD it's all bullsh*t...(THANK GOD MY PARENTS AREN'T LYK THAT) they think they're the sh*t also b/c they give money to the church every sunday, but what does that all mean anyways? it doesn't mean JACK~! OHHHHH~! and they gossip so much!! ohh...that makes me so mad...they go around being nice to ppl in their faces, but start talking crap behind their back..what's up with that? look at me..i'm dissin' my own kind...ughhh...i don't hate koreans..i just dislike koreans that are FAKE...hmm...i think i had this convo. with carolina..that was interesting...okay..i'm done with that topic...AHHHH~! i'm bleeding!! my left THUMB~! why am i BLEEDING? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS~! never told me when you were coming down here...or are you just gonna go straight to florida? okay..i now i have to think of a way to get to naperville from schaumburg...well, i can always take a taxi...rite? but that's so much freakin' MONEY...something i don't have...oh well..i'll figure something out..JOHN KIM~! you should fly out to chicago too~! it'll be "wicked" GREAT~! lol...i'm bored..i'm gonna go and maybe watch some t.v. (that is, if anything's on) and i'm gonna go make me some i can stay AWAKE~! BYE
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