(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 16:11

In a dream I can't get away from M. Wherever I go he's there, drunk and aggressive, with hands that won't stay off my shoulders, my neck, that won't stay out of my hair. His face is too close to mine and he is continually demanding something of me, using words that, in recollection, don't sound anything like English. This seems to go on for hours.

In a dream when I finally get away I look for J, but I've missed him again by maybe only minutes too many I've spent in an unpleasant place.

In the morning I wake (partially) to a familiar whispered stop grinding your teeth; I stop, fall back, and start again. Later he tells me I was chomping back and forth for maybe hours.

The rain has cut a cold river into the gravel path I walk to school. All day I run my tongue over my molars, imagining the groove I must be carving nightly in my sleep.
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