collage essay, ha ha.

Oct 30, 2006 21:30

the good:

I passed my speaking disease on to my professor during the course of the presentation. she said ganstrendered instead of transgendered (I was thrilled).

my share of two beers split three ways put me to sleep on the sofa in the early evening, in a ball in coat and mittens. I woke up to Samantha putting a blanket on me sweetly. this is a great way to make a person feel loved.


the notthatgreat:

When I say "when do you need these done?" I would enjoy an answer like "thursday" or "friday." "I want them as soon as you can get them done" does not mean very much except that I will do them really quickly because I like how you give me money.

I'm having a hard time not eating all of the feta in the fridge.

Also having a hard time doing what my somewhat renowned, letter-of-recommendation-promising professor wants with my essay. Pssh, she already said I'd proved myself, I don't really need to keep trying. Right? Right?

The more you learn, the harder it is to take anything at face value.


the birthday:

Dear Zach, favorite standpartner of mine,
today is your birthday. you are SO old. enjoy that. maybe next year, if you grow your hair more, you can be finally live out your purpose in life and be Keiko for halloween. until then, I will be here to feed you tequila and induce "dancing."
Much love and penis jokes,
your favorite standpartner, amelia

PS spellcheck doesn't recognize standpartner.
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