[ Application | Xi-rpg ]

Jan 16, 2010 17:30

You tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef
That I'm a vegitarian and

I ain't fucking scared of him.Player Information

NAME: Saku.
AGE: 18.
EMAIL ADDRESS: LittleMissMisa@GoogleMail.com
OTHER CHARACTERS: Misa Amane | Tino Väinämöinen.


NAME: Gilbert Beilschmidt.
NICKNAMES: Gil, East or Bruder.

Gilbert :
Origin : Teutonic.
Meaning : Oath.

AGE: 17.
BIRTHDAY: January 18th.
FROM: Germany.
ROLE: Student.
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.

SERIES/SOURCE: Axis Powers Hetalia.


CLUBS: To be updated.

» Combat : Logan.
» Geography : Pietro Maximoff.
» Band : Brook.
» Maths : Bobby Drake.
» English as a Second Language : Emma Frost.
» Cooking : Francis Bonnefoy.
» Poetry : Shunsui Kyouraku.

Can also be found here.

WORST CLASS: Maths, poetry, geography and cooking.


HEIGHT: 177 cm or 5'8.
HAIR: White | Silver | Platinum.
EYES: Red.
COMPLEXION: Very fair and extremely sensitive to the sun and bright lights.
SKIN: Burns very easily.

HE IS: An albino.


Gilbert is tall stands at 5'8, just under his brother which when comparing them together makes him look rather small. He has short platinum | silver hair, which spikes up and has a messy touch to it, with red eyes to match. He isn't built and looks rather scrawny compared to his brother.

His clothing usually goes with the "punk" theme; Skinny jeans, band tops and the coolest looking neck scarfs. Also, most of his zipped up clothing usually bears a Iron Cross zip. He usually be seen wearing hats, which I'll state are not his. He usually steals Ludwigs hats and takes pictures of himself to put on his blog to show his Internet friends. Also, when you look closely at his pockets, you'll see his multiple phone charms hanging freely and his camera attached to his belt.


LIKES: The internet, beer, his little brother, his awesome little chick, Old Fritz, being awesome, flutes, seizing vital regions, his web blogs, ice-cream-- not Iceland, his laptop, being cool, writing in his diaries, Globe of Gore, Opa, going places with West, being an awesome big bro and being the best role-model for his little brother, ever.

DISLIKES: Specs, the Troll, not being awesome, West doing stupid things, West not looking up to him, West beating him at things, West going off with Feliciano and not with him, West not telling him where he's going, West taking back his possessions, West being an idiot, West not talking to him and dropping ice-cream on his laptop.

WEAKNESS: NOTHING! Baby animals and stuffed toys.

QUIRKS | HABBITS: To be updated.

FEARS: Despite his claims of loving being alone because he can be so awesome alone with no one to bother him, his fear would probably be him left alone with absolutly no one. Also, not being awesome anymore would be one, but that will never happen.


First impressions of Gilbert generally aren't the best. He's a self-absorbed hooligan who seems to always get into and start fights. He's loud, obnoxious and tends to talk down on and insult people, no matter what the situation may be. He seems oblivious to other people's contempt of him, and likes to try and boost his own ego by telling people and writing diaries about how awesome he is.

Gilbert gets lonely very easily, but claims that he's perfectly happy to be by himself, even though he quite obviously isn't. Part of this insistence is basically a defense mechanism; it comes from his wanting to convince people (and probably himself, a bit) that he is awesome and has no weaknesses. Even though he actually does have many. He tends to act first and think later, and will say the first thing that comes into his mind to get himself out of a troublesome situation, even though it may come back to haunt him later. He's also pretty gullable, and can be tricked easily.

Although he is pretty rude to most people, he does have his soft spots. He can get overly attached to certain people, like Old Fritz (both in canon and in this AU), and will remain loyal to them. Another person excused from his obnoxiousness is his brother, Ludwig. Although he annoys and makes things hard for his sibling-- Gilbert wouldn't intentionally do anything to harm him.

Also, despite his 'tough' exterior, he has a weakness for cute things such as baby animals and stuffed toys.

Background | Family


Germania is the only guardian Gilbert has ever known and has lived with him since he could remember. Gilbert gets along well with Germania and usually keeps him informed with every detail about his and Ludwigs life.

While at Xaviers Institute, Gilbert phones him every couple of days to keep let him know he's alive and what him and his brother have gotten up to. Though, most of his calls to Germania are usually about his broken laptop and how he needs a new one.

BROTHER: Even though Ludwig is adopted, Gilbert will always see him as his real brother. They've pretty much grew up together and Gilbert has become rather attached to him. While they were growing up Gilbert always wanted to be his role-model, his mentor like Old Fritz had mentored him. During this, he always wanted to teach Ludwig new things like, riding a bike or swimming. Though, each time Gilbert did attempt to teach his younger brother, it always ended in disaster and with Ludwig getting upset.

Gilbert always wants to be around Ludwig and always steals his clothes and possessions, claiming he doesn't have any of his own. While at Xaviers Institute, Gilbert depends on his brother to clean his room for him and do his laundry, because he's unable to do it himself / doesn't want to do it himself. Also, he refers to Ludwig as his "Baby brother" when refering to old picture books he's kept of him over the years, even though Ludwig was 10 when he joined the family.


When Gilbert was younger he had a reasonably normal childhood. He was raised in East Germany around the Berlin area with his Grandfather and when he hit twelve Ludwig joined the family. Before all of that though Gilbert spent most of his childhood as any other kid really, apart from the fact he spent most of his time with an old man and a girl who claimed to be a boy. Frederich or Old Fritz as he knows him as was Gilberts mentor in life and taught him many things from morals to playing the flute. He looked up to Old Fritz and remains to this day, extremely loyal to him.

Then the sad day came when Old Fritz sadly passed away, Gilbert was in his own way devastated when it happened, but knew that he was looking over him. Shortly after that his childhood friend and himself stopped speaking, which made matters worse and Gilbert was left alone. Even though he would never admit it but he was lonely. The only company he had was Gilbird and his grandfather, which wasn't that comforting. During his lonely spells Gilbert tended to hide himself away within the comfort of the library, where he would ramble in journals about how awesome he was and how his day had gone. His grandfather realized that Gilbert was lonely which inspired him to add an addition to the family, so Gilbert wouldn't have to be lonely.

They traveled to the West of Germany to a small orphanage. He talked to all of the children that was there, hoping to find the right one. Yet, all the children that Gilbert talked to most of them refused to leave with him. Until he spotted Ludwig in a corner just keeping to himself. Ludwig seemed to be the only one that didn't mind Gilberts forward personality, which lead to Gilbert happily choosing Ludwig as his new brother.

During the early and late school years, he was considered a hooligan to everyone. He couldn't stay out of trouble, teased the other students, started fights within the grounds, set off the fire alarms, skipped classes and even claimed he was kicked out just so he didn't have to take a test. It was at the age of thirteen that he began to notice that he was different from everyone else, but put it off until later in his life. Though both helped him in fights and that seemed to be the only aspect he ever considered them to be there.

Yet, when he moved forward into the higher education. He began to notice them more, considering he was much faster than normal children and he didn't hurt easily during sports. He openly talked about all this to his brother, yet not in a formal way. But, informal such as stating he could do something and over exaggerating it. Which led Ludwig to not believing him and ignoring everything he brought up about it. Which, at the start made Gilbert careless about it until it was needed.

Notable accounts of others noticing his strange ways was the exam individulators who accused him of cheating in his exams because he was finished so quickly. The school stepped in and let them know that Gilbert had always been quick at these sort of things and was allowed to do it again.

When Ludwig proclaimed that he was leaving Gilbert laughed at him. Saying he wouldn't leave and that he was just joking, but when he actually did leave, he didn't know what to do. Which led him to sending him chocolates and presents. Also, even agreeing to have a scheduled conversation per day...Not that Gilbert stuck to it of course. Then he just decided to attend along with his brother, school wasn't school and Lugwig did need someone to look up so.

Facts | Meme's


» He owns a chick called Gilbird who is always with him.
» Gilbird has his own dolls house for a nest while at Xaviers.
» Gilbert takes Gilbird everywhere apart from cooking class.
» He's trained Gilbird to continusly press the "Summon Fire-Ball" button on GOG.
» He loves beer.
» He now owns a really bad fake I.D.
» He owns an entire library of journals | diaries.
» He has baby photo albums of West as a child. Because, back then West was adorable.
» He used to attempt to teach West how to do simple things like swim or ride a bike.
» He's the main reason West doesn't like ghosts.
» Gilbert calls Ludwig West because he couldn't remember his name at first, only that he was from West Germany.
» He plays the flute.
» He has a habit of breaking laptops.
» He steals everything of his brothers.
» He can talk to chickens. No really...

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