
Jul 27, 2010 09:29

I don't think I'm going to like Season 6.

I want to. I really, really want to keep loving this show, but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to. I get that the writers are trying to pull off an immensely clever role reversal in which Sam comes and hauls Dean back into hunting (LIKE DEAN DID IN THE PILOT, REMEMBER, ISN'T IT SMART!) but I don't see that working in any kind of satisfying way. Sam and Dean are very different people who fill very different roles. Do I want Dean to go back to his Season 1 wise-cracking, smart-mouthed, morally ambiguous self? Well, honestly, yes. That's the character I fell in love with in the first place.

But, you know, time changes things, character development, yadda yadda. I get that. What I don't get is how shoving Dean into the role Sam was filling in the beginning of the series is indicative of character development. Especially since there's no freaking basis for his relationship with Lisa other than the fact that they hooked up one weekend ten years ago and he may or may not be the father of her child. They have nothing in common that we've seen, no point--other than Ben--on which they can connect. I would have been happier to see him with Jo, and believe me, that's saying something.

Also, the Dean we've seen since the beginning of the series is not the kind of guy who can slot himself effortlessly into a nice suburban lifestyle, no matter how much he might want it. He's a drifter and a criminal. He's a habitual liar and he doesn't feel comfortable without at least one weapon on his person at all times. He has screaming nightmares about Hell. He's an alcoholic. His solutions to serious interpersonal disagreements tend to involve fisticuffs. Oh, and there's that minor issue where, as far as the law is concerned, he's a serial killer who's been dead for over two years.

Dean Winchester is a hunter, and I don't see any way where him settling down to play house in Middle America is anything other than ludicrously out of character. Trying? Yeah, sure, I can see that. But actually living like that--no.

And I'm getting really sick of Stone Cold Hunter Sam, too. First of all, Sam is a lot more interesting (and sympathetic) when he's conflicted . Second of all, Season 5 left off with him and Dean actually coming to terms with and respecting one another, finally--and Season 6 is gonna start off with him reverting back to that high-handed bullshit we saw in Season 4? No, thanks.

meta, spn, ranting

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