Oct 28, 2007 16:32
Unfortunate. I’ve contracted a mortal wound from that onslaught of explosives the previous night. Had I been able to exercise the support capabilities of the seventh fonon, I could have been able to defend myself. A questionable judgment of the Gods to restrict my powers only to relay that privilege in the hands of someone far less deserving. Lacking the medical assistance necessary, I don’t imagine that I’ll last much longer on foot. An inconvenience at most. I understand that in this place a second chance comes at the toll of a memory.
My appeal has thus far gone unanswered. I grow weary of this place. Such indolent Gods have no position to judge the sins of others. Fate has no place being dictated by those who manage it so poorly. No, Such Gods are not deserving of their titles. I cannot accept this unfounded condemnation that they’ve seen fit to burden me with. A misjudgment, surely.
Even still, these shameful Gods see it fit to supply me with a party invitation? Foolishness.