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Jan 04, 2015 23:54

And, like every journal user everywhere else on the globe, my new year's resolution is to update regularly.

I think I might try using this more like a notebook, and see if that works. Today we went into Town, and saw two great exhibitions at two smallish museums. I took pictures; we bought books. Let me show you them - in little pieces, over the next week or so. (And yes, there is lots to show you from last semester yet, and many comments to answer, but let's walk before we run....)

From the Cartoon Art Museum, an exhibition on M K Brown, a cartoon artist with National Lampoon amongst other things. I hadn't heard of her before, but apparently she was at one stage married to B Kliban (who does large striped cats that Mr Gloriana particularly enjoys) and she shares his sense of whimsy combined with gentle satirical bite. In her case, also with a mind that wanders in strange directions. I can't imagine what a household with two of them in it must have been like: hence, I suppose, their divorce.

(Actually, it must have been a bit like the last few weeks, in which Mr Gloriana's sister was visiting. Occasionally it becomes very obvious where your spouse gets certain things from.)

Oddly enough, I did not guess from this cartoon that M K Brown was female. Mr Gloriana did. I shudder to think what this says about us both.

cartoon art museum, m k brown

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