Dear Yuletide Writer

Sep 25, 2016 13:59

Dearest Yuletide Writer,

Thank you in advance for the story! I'm pretty easy to please and the main thing I hope is that you will have as much fun writing this story as I will have reading it. So, here's some general info about what I like, as well as some specific prompts for each fandom I chose. Hopefully among them you'll find something that grabs you.

Story elements/themes/tropes I like:
  • action/adventure
  • angst
  • body swap
  • creepy fortune tellers/prophecies of doom
  • dark!fic
  • epistolary fic, poetry, drabbles, experimental forms, interactive fiction (IF)
  • exploration of character back stories and/or motivations
  • forced to work together (to overcome obstacle, solve puzzle, defeat bad guy, etc)
  • friendship
  • found family
  • ghost stories
  • humor (inc. crack!fic)
  • hurt/comfort
  • mysteries
  • post-death reunions
  • reincarnation
  • rescuing/being rescued (from dangerous situation, not so much emotionally)
  • snappy dialogue
  • vampires, demons, and other monstrous creatures

Kinks I like: (Note: smut is welcome but not necessary)
  • awkward sex
  • bondage
  • CFNM or CMNM
  • crossdressing
  • femdom
  • frottage
  • non-sexual physical affection being lavished on someone
  • partially clothed sex
  • sensory deprivation
  • tease and denial

  • A/B/O
  • alternate setting AUs
  • character death (where the character stays well and truly dead)
  • crossovers/fusions
  • gender swap
  • graphic eye trauma
  • incest
  • non-con

I have no preference for present vs. past tense or first vs. third POV, so do whatever you want there. Second person is risky, but it's not an instant backbutton for me. If it fits the story premise - go for it! Ratings G through M are okay (would prefer nothing Explicit for both sex and violence).

For the specific fandoms I've requested (in alphabetical order):

Belinda Blinked - Rocky Flintstone - Belinda Blumenthal

Oh. My. God. This extraordinary piece of erotic literature has literally changed my life! I have learned SO MUCH from Belinda. Never has there been another protagonist who could so deftly and effortlessly integrate her kinky sex life with her career in Pots and Pans. She's always willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether that's motivating her sales team or having public sex in a hotel lobby. And she's always such a good sport about things! Truly, an inspiration.

I also really love Rocky's unique style of writing, so probably best to forego the beta on this one. Just let the words fly free and unimpeded - much like Belinda's oval breasts! Canon levels of plot incoherence, inappropriate metaphors, dodgy grasp of female anatomy, and explicitness is A-OK. Feel free to bring in any of the other characters as you like.

  • How did Belinda make it through business school? I mean, we all know she fucked her way through it, but give me the juicy details.
  • Belinda Blumenthal, business savvy succubus.
  • Belinda working the holiday office party (with or without white elephant gift exchange).
  • I'm making an exception here for the DNW: crossovers listed above. I just can't help thinking Belinda Blinked would fit really well with any one of the Cornetto Trilogy films. Super secret sex society? How high up does it go? And how does Belinda foil their nefarious schemes (or improve them - I think she's probably got a good grasp of strategic planning and performance management, if you know what I mean). Or, Belinda fucking her way through the zombie apocalypse. Or, Belinda fucking her way through the alien invasion apocalypse. So long as she comes out on top, it's all good. (Note: actually fucking zombies and/or aliens is also A-OK! :D)
  • Wildcard! I know if you're a fan of this book, you simply MUST have at least a hundred scenarios you've imagined in which Belinda uses her unique skills and assets to shine! I'd love reading about any one of them, so long as Belinda's in the starring role.

What We Do in the Shadows (Movie) - Any

I love everyone in this bar! This movie was a delight from beginning to end. I loved Viago and company's friendship - they seemed to genuinely like each other and accept each other's quirks. I think my favorite scene was Deacon's erotic dancing - I was cry laughing! Viago and Vladislav were just so supportive, even though it clearly wasn't their thing. The Vampires vs. Werewolves rivalry was great, too. And I was actually a little sad when Petyr flamed out! He didn't say much, and yet he was an integral part of the household.

  • One of the flatmates takes up a new hobby and the others show their support, or exploring one of their established hobbies (e.g., Viago's pottery, Deacon's knitting, Vladislav's archery, Petyr's...whatever the hell Petyr does).
  • Deacon and Nick - "sibling" rivalry, heart-to-heart talks with Petyr, bonding over shared interests.
  • How does Petyr feel about his flatmates? How does he feel about Deacon and Nick, and why did he decide to turn them?
  • Past or future run-ins with the police and/or neighbors?
  • Past Unholy Masquerade party shenanigans?
  • Are the werewolves always excluded from the Unholy Masquerade? How does Anton feel about that, and do they have their own Wellington Werewolf Society and annual shindig (or are they not that organized)?
  • Awkward mixing of two friend groups. Everybody likes Stu, but the vampires and werewolves have a long history of petty enmity to overcome.
  • And if you've always wanted to write Stu/everyone where they decide to make him less attractive to other vampires by devirginizing him and no one can agree on who gets the honors, now's your chance!
Wizards and Warriors (TV) - Dirk Blackpool, Erik Greystone, Princess Ariel, Vector

If you've never seen the show, or if you have only the vaguest of recollections from 30 years ago, never fear. While WB yanked the four episodes that were on YouTube and Vimeo, they did finally put them on DVD if you're inclined to purchase the series.  And there are video clips and episode transcripts here.

It is terrible - in a way that only low-budget fantasy television shows made in 1983 can be terrible. But I loved this show with all my heart back when I was a wee lass. I adore Duncan Regehr, and he's definitely the highlight here (Julia Duffy is pretty great, too). It's a delightful caricature of the fantasy genre and doesn't take itself too seriously. Although strangely it does veer into some darker and more serious territory in the later episodes, particularly relating to Dirk's backstory.

Not gonna lie - Dirk is my favorite and anything featuring him prominently would be awesome! But I love the other characters as well, including those not nominated. If you want to bring in Marko, either of the Greystone or Blackpool little brothers, Bethel, or any other minor characters, feel free.

  • Several episodes make use of one of my all time favorite tropes - the mortal enemies joined together (literally or figuratively) for a common cause or to defeat a common foe. So either something set in one of those episodes (Caverns of Chaos, Vulkar's Revenge) or a different scenario altogether. I'm open to whatever you come up with. And if you're up for something cracky, I still think a magically mpreg-ed Dirk, with Erik helping to either deliver the baby or find a cure before he actually goes into labor, could be hilarious.
  • Dirk's backstory - I am intrigued! There's one episode (Caverns of Chaos) where he tells Erik about a traumatic event from his childhood. He fell into a hidden dungeon or something that was full of spiders, and was there for days until Vector found him. How was he not missed all that time? Did Vector somehow cause his fall? What was that whole terrible experience like for Dirk, stomping the never ending flow of spiders until he passed out from exhaustion? What was Vector's relationship with and influence on the young Dirk after that? Is Dirk really as evil and power hungry as he seems to appear? Is he that broken? Or is he running a long con on Vector? And if he is, what's his endgame?
  • Young Dirk and Erik used to be friends and basically grew up together. What led to their falling out? Did it have anything to do with Vector's machinations and evil influence? Could be slashy Dirk/Erik or not, your choice.
  • Erik is, honestly, the least interesting character on his own because of how steadfast and unchanging he is. He can be an interesting contrast to Dirk, though. While Dirk only does the right thing when it serves his interest, Erik does the right and noble thing because it is the right thing to do. But when he's dealing with Dirk that can be hard. How does Erik struggle with this, and is it possible for Dirk to push him too far so that he forgets his ideals?
  • Ariel is depicted as the stereotypical spoiled brat princess, but I love her because she's funny, and brave, and has a strong sense of fairness and justice, as well as caring about others in her own special way (she does tend the sick and wounded after several battles, after all). I also thought she and Geoffrey Blackpool made a great couple. So anything exploring her better traits, getting into hot water and using her wits to get out of it (and maybe rescuing one of the guys in the process), or getting together with Geoffrey and that being a positive thing for them (though fraught with political difficulties) would be great.
  • Vector - all the evil machinations, manipulations, and power grabs!
Zorro: The Gay Blade (Movie)* - Ramon de la Vega | Bunny Wigglesworth

This is another bit of nostalgia from my childhood. I loved this movie so much, I can't even count the number of times I watched it. I even knew most of the dialogue by heart once upon a time! The fact that I had the hugest crush on George Hamilton probably contributed to it.

I picked Bunny Wigglesworth to request because he's awesome - brave, competent, heroic, funny, and totally willing to be himself and put his own spin on the Zorro persona. I love that Diego just immediately accepts him and even takes the whole name change thing in stride. And I'm intrigued about his backstory that's only hinted at. I do very much like the others so if you want to work in Diego, Esteban, Charlotte (or even Florinda and Paco), that's fine with me. But I'd like the focus to be on Bunny, please.
  • The twins Diego and Ramon growing up together (Colonel Puff Puff!). I imagine Diego would have been totally clueless about Ramon being gay (although their father apparently suspected it). What sort of shenanigans did they get up to together?
  • "Well, I was Ramon 20 years ago when father decided I wasn't quite masculine enough, so he shipped me off to sea in that British frigate." Ramon arriving on the British frigate and getting his sea legs. How does he fit in with the crew? What sort of adventures does he have?
  • "They say the Navy makes men. I'm living proof - they made ME!" Hoooooowwww? I wan't to know everything about this!
  • "In two days from now, my ship sails for England. But tell Esteban that if he wants to keep in touch with me, tell him to write to 'Wiggy' of the Royal Navy based in Portsmouth. But only if he's serious." Does Esteban take him up on the offer? And is he serious?
*Content warning: terrible Spanish accents by white actors played for comedic effect, homophobic slurs (used by Esteban and his henchmen, who are supposed to be colossal assholes)

Well, that's it. And as always, these are just suggestions - feel free to let your muse wander. Happy writing and Merry Yuletide!


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