Feb 06, 2009 21:44
Am not dead. Honestly.
It's funny, I only seem to work up the enthusiasm to post on this journal when I have a proper fannish obsession. And I certainly have one now, which may have a lot to do with the casting of the new Doctor. Oh yes.
I'm not entirely sure when I feel out of love with the tenth doctor, but I seem to have skipped 'apathy' and skipped right onto 'passionate loathing'. My DW obsession was on the wane...until now. Because i've loved Matt Smith in everything i've seen him in and i'm seriously stoked for series 5, in an embarassingly fangirly way (squee!). I even love his terrible, terrible hair. Needless to say, this journal will doubtless be spent speculating, agonising over spoilers and praying to god that Moffat doesn't bring back bloody River Song.
This being me, I have of course decided that I simply MUST now see classic Who. And, this being me, i've started from the middle. And started listening to the audio's. Thinky thoughts to follow. Maybe. I'm halfway through a bottle of wine.
Elsewhere, Heroes continues to be awful in a morbidly-fascinating way (Much, it must be said, like ITV's Demons or 'Gene Hunt fights monsters in a dreadful accent'. Presumably the person who said yes to that pitch has been taken out the back and smited in an appropriate fashion).
And the world's most awesome pilot, Being Human has finally been made into a series. I was suspicious of the casting changes but I actually love new Mitchell far more than I love pilot-Mitchell. He's more engaging and less stereotypical vampire. I'm still on the fence about new Annie, who is sweet and charming...but alas, NOT the awesome Andrea Riseborough.
The tone of the show is still a little uneven, with the humour a bit shoe-horned in, but it's still the best thing to come out of the BBC for years and the best thing to come out of Bristol...ever.
So, that's me. Still aimless, still looking for a proper job. And going stir-crazy because my village is snowed in.
How are all YOU?