Wow, it's been a while. Updates galore.
•My computer is broken, in a very sad way - won't even boot up. Called HP. ohmigosh, I couldn't understand him, and I just found out he couldn't comprehend that my name is ABIGAIL, not Abigoil. Loser knucklehead. The comp is now sitting in CompUSA's tech shop, and hopefully it's just a screwed-up boot thingy.
•I am jobless, and so very happy. No more customers verbally abusing me, hurray!
•I got snowed in last week. For
three days, and pictures will follow once item number one up there gets resolved.
•I have health issues. Again. And now I have to see the rheumatologist [or however you spell that], because something in the bloodwork came back ... odd. Not again...
•I got my first ever art commission! [z0mgs!eleventy!!111!!] I'm doing a scene from LotR The Return of the King - where Theoden is charging and the sun starts shining and stuff. It's cool, if I do say so myself. Again, pics when comp is fixed.
Wow. Yeah, it's been an interesting week. What can I say?